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Unit 14 Zoology Extensive Reading Proverbs related to animals A rat in a hole. When the cat is away, the mice will play. To kill two birds with one stone. To ride the tiger. To shed crocodile tears. Barking dogs do not bite. To teach a fish how to swim. Love me , love my dog. Lock the barn door after the sheep is stolen. Don’t count your chicken before they hatch. As poor as a church. Separate the sheep from the goats. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. It rains cats and dogs. The early bird catches the worm. Primates Reading Comprehension 1.According to the author, animals can be divided into _____. higher primates and lower primates new world primates and old world primates animals and human beings primates and other animals 2. In the passage, primates are defined as animals that _____. have opposable thumbs and toes. have a highly developed sense of touch. have a larger brain All of the above. 3.Which of the following is Not right? Apes feast on almost the similar food to our humans. Compared to monkeys, apes have fewer children. Primates all live in groups Chimpanzees can communicate with each other. 4. In what ways are the higher primates, for example chimpanzees, similar to human beings? Which is wrong? Males are usually larger than females. They use the same senses. They have very long arms. They have similar feet and hands. 5. The similarities between chimpanzees and human beings shows that ___. They are able to do what humans do. They can solve problems . They can use human language. They can use tools more often. Language points Among the other features ---are hands and feet that---. opposable 3. be better than other animals at holding--- 4. a better sense of touch 5. compared to--- 6. Depending on--- 7. tend to 8. more than 9. give birth to 10. While their societies are different, they all--- 11. warn---of--- 12. keep in touch 13. up to 14. feast on 15.disgusting 16. allow 17. conduct many expriments 18. make sense (to---) 19. ---is not nat


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