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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT37 “平安宝”健康养老网站的设计与实现 摘 要 在21世纪信息高速发展的今天,“互联网+”这个新概念正在一步步渗透进我们生活的各方各面,移动互联网的方便快捷也使得各商业巨头争相抢夺的平台。被誉为“电商行业的最后一块蛋糕”的养老行业也随之浮现在人眼前,互联网养老行业前景大、渗透力强,但问题更是盘根错节,涉及到的利益链也错综复杂,所以至今都鲜少有企业能推广出一个合适的互联网健康养老系统。 本文主要研究的是一个简单的互联网养老网站的设计与实现,其中采用MYSQL、JSP、CSS、HTML超链接和JDBC连接数据库等技术,实现系统前端的动态设计、搭建与美化。该系统实现了后台管理用户、发布公告、发布新闻、发布健康养老知识、发布医院医生信息等功能;前端实现了动态的获取数据库的数据的操作。 “平安宝”互联网健康养老网站的制作初衷是为了可以提高人们对老人的身体健康和养老问题的关注,但是由于本人的技术有限,本系统只实现了基本功能,存在许多缺点,例如:页面设计不完善,布局规划不系统,系统信息的筛选和发布仅能依靠管理员等。所以,我将继续改进这个系统,争取能在今后的不断学习与应用中把它扩充得更加丰富,以适应不同层次使用者的需求。 关键词:互联网+;健康养老;MYSQL;JSP;HTML ABSTRACT In the development of 21st century information today, "the Internet +" this new concept are penetrated all aspects of our lives, mobile Internet convenient and also makes the platform of the tycoons scramble. Known as "the last piece of cake," the pension industry has emerged in front of people, pension industry Outlook and strong penetration of the Internet, but the problem is confined to interest involved are complicated, so few businesses can promote a suitable medical care system of the Internet. Studied in this paper is a simple Internet pension Web site design and implementation, which uses MYSQL,JSP,CSS,HTML hyperlinks, and technologies such as JDBC connection to the database, dynamic system front end design, construction and landscaping. The system admin user, announcement, press release, publishing health pension knowledge, developing hospital information functions; front-end implements dynamic Gets the data from the database. "Christmas treasures" medical care sites on the Internet is making to try to raise awareness of the elderly's health and pension concerns, but because of my limited technology, implements only the basic functions of the system, there are many disadvantages, for example: page design is not perfect, layout planning system, screening and release of information can only rely on the administrator of the system. So, I will insist on continuing to improve the system and can w


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