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浅谈律师职业伦理   摘 要   律师制度的最早萌芽出现于古罗马时期。我国现代意义上的律师业起步比较晚,发展时间短。律师职业伦理是指律师在执业活动中形成的,依靠社会舆论和人的内心来维持的,调整律师与其他人相互关系的行为规范总和,它以善与恶、诚实与虚伪等道德概念来评价和调节人们的行为。律师职业伦理具有一些特征,如律师职业伦理更倾向于程序正义而非实体正义、律师职业伦理是一种技术伦理以及律师职业伦理服务目的的多重性。律师职业伦理主要协调以下几方面的冲突关系,即商业机能和专业功能的冲突、当事人利益和社会公益的冲突、程序正义与实体正义的冲突、当事人合法利益与非法利益的冲突以及律师和法院之间的冲突。我国律师法把律师定位为为当事人提供法律服务的法律工作者,这一定位是正确的,但是需要其他法律来保障。我国律师业缺失律师职业伦理,并且产生了很多危害。对此,本文认为我国应该直接或间接地通过国家法律、政策来规范律师职业伦理,但是最主要的还是需要律师行业的自律。   关键词:律师;律师职业伦理;律师法;司法考试;完善   THE BRIEF RESEARCH ON THE ETHICS OF ATTORNEY VOCATION   ABSTRACT   Attorney vocation emerged in ancient Rome, while this occupation is a new one in China. The ethics of attorney vocation refers to moral rules which evolves in the attorney’s professional activities and are supposed to adjust the relationship between the attorney and the others, and these moral rules are supported by the public opinion and inner conviction. The ethics of attorney has some characteristics such as its orientation to procedural justice, its technical features, and its multiple purposes. There are some conflicts that are adjusted by the ethics of attorney vocation: conflict between commercial function and legal profession, conflict between litigant’s interests and public interests, conflict between procedural justice and substantive justice, conflict between the litigant’s legal interests and illegal interests, conflict between the attorneys and the courts. The attorney in Law on Lawyers of the People’s Republic of China is treated as legal service providers. It’s true but the other laws should protect the attorneys’ rights to consolidate the attorneys’ position. There is a lack of the ethics of attorney vocation, and the lack does great harm to China’s process to the rule of law. So this paper maintains that China should regulate the ethics of attorney vocation through legislation directly or indirectly, but the attorney vocation’s self-displine is for the most part in fostering legal professional ethics.   Key words: Attorney; The Ethics of


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