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盘古国文化遗迹的实证考察   【摘 要】南朝梁人任?《述异记》记载:“古说:盘古氏夫妻,阴阳之始也。今南海盘古氏墓,亘三百里,俗云后人追葬盘古之魂也。桂林有盘古祠,今人祝祀;南海中有盘古国,今人皆以盘为姓。”长期以来,对于任?这一地理方位清楚、地点明确、内容翔实的记载,被一些神话研究者视为“伪作”而忽略不论或避而不谈。通过深入的实地调查,在《述异记》中所记载的桂林郡及盘古国故地――来宾市及其相邻地区发现有大量的盘古庙,当地壮族民间至今仍流行对于盘古的信仰与祭祀之俗,保留有许多盘古地名和“以盘古为姓”的居民,印证了任?《述异记》记载的真实性和可信性,进而实证了珠江流域是盘古神话的发源地,珠江流域原住民族――壮侗语民族是盘古神话的始创民族。   【关键词】南海;盘古国;桂林;盘古祠;盘古神话;实证考察   【作 者】覃彩銮,广西壮族自治区民族研究所研究员。南宁:530021   【中图分类号】B932   【文献标识码】 A   【文章编号】1004-454X(2007 )01-0134-011      Conforming “the Pan Gu Kingdom” by Investigating on the Spot and Analyzing the Culture   ――Four of the Researches of the Origin Problem ?of the Pan Gu Mythology(4)   Qin Cailuan   Abstract: 《Recording and Narrating the Peculiar》written by Ren Fang in the Nan Dynasty is recording :“The ancestors were saying: The husband and wife named Pan Gu were the origin of the solar and the lunar.Pan Gu tombs in Nanhai in these days, traversed three hundreds Chinese miles. This was the following people to bury again the soul of Pan Gu .There were Pan Gu temples in Guilin, the contemporary people do obeisance to Pan Gu ;There was the Pan Gu kingdom in Nanhai, the following people were named with Pan.” For a long time ,withregards to the recordings written by Ren Fang, although the geographical position was distinct 、the location was explicit and the contents was authentic, it were considered “false creations” by some mythology researchers and they ignored it and refused discussing .The author passes though investigating on the spot thoroughly and discoveries that there are considerable Pan Gu temples in Guilin county and the historic spot of the Pan Gukingdom written by 《Recording and Narrating the Peculiar》―Laibin city and the rims. So far zhuang ethnic groups in that area are popular with the customs that they believe in Pan Gu and make a sacred cow of Pan Gu, and considerable places named with Pan Gu are preserved, the inhabitants named with are the same. All of these prove that these recordings written by Ren Fang i


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