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西安步长医药有限公司蒙西分公司的医药物流配送模式分析 摘 要 医药行业是一个特殊的行业,也是一个充满竞争的行业。随着WTO的加入,我国各行业必然和世界接轨,而医药产业也无从避免。必然受到来自国内甚至国外优秀企业的竞争与挑战,由此可见,医药市场不容乐观,因此加速医药物流的有效建设将刻不容缓。由于市场的发展,企业之间的竞争逐渐转向供应链之间的竞争。如何提高供应链管理水平,提高供应链管理理论指导下的企业管理与运作水平,成为业界与学术界越来越关心的问题。物流配送活动的有效运作将会大大提高企业的配送能力。因此本人采用了相关分析方法从配送模式上对物流配送进行了分析,充分论证了物流配送的有效运作在医药行业中的重要作用。 在写作过程中,本文重点以一个具体的企业为例——西安步长医药有限公司蒙西分公司,着重分析它的物流配送模式及发展现状,找出存在的不足,为其进一步完善提供相应的建议,在一定程度上也为其有效的健康发展做出力所能及的研究与贡献。 关键词:物流 配送 物流配送模式 第三方物流 Study on the Distribution Models of Mengxi Branch of XiAn Buchang Medicine Co.Ltd Abstract As a competitive industry with its own specialty, the medicine industry is bound to face competition and challenge from abroad outstanding enterprises due to the inevitability of integration into the world after entering the WTO. The tough industrial situation urges quick and effective establishment of medicine distribution logistics. With the development of economic market, the enterprises compete with each other in terms of supply chain, and thus it has been a common concerned issue in academic circles and the world that how to facilitate the management of distribution, and the administration and operation level of an enterprise by relative theory. Coexisting with development of an enterprise, the supply chain is advancing by the replacement of the old pushing mode with newly emerging pulling mode, based on which logistics distribution can elevate operation of a whole company. This paper expounds the logistics distribution to substantiate the importance management of logistics for the medicine industry. The distribution condition of Mengxi branch of XiAn Buchang Medicine Co. Ltd is analyzed, defects were pointed out and recommendations for improvement were given. Key words: logistics distribution logistics distribution models 3PL 目 录 前 言 1 第1章 导论 2 第1.1节 选题背景和意义 2 第1.2节 国内外现状分析及文献综述 3 第1.3节 突破点和研究方法 7 第2章 配送的相关理论及模式分析 8 第2.1节 配送的相关理论 8 第2.2节 配送的主要模式 9 第3章 步长医药有限公司蒙西分公司的物流配送具体分析 12 第3.1节 分公司的基本情况 12 第3.2节 分公司的物流配送现状


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