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运筹学在航空运输管理中的应用 OR in Air transportation 中国民航大学经管学院 褚衍昌 主要内容 国内外有关航空运输管理研究的杂志、研究机构 国内外有关航空运输管理研究的杂志 《Transportation Research 》 《Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 》 《Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 》 《Journal of Air Transport Management 》 《European Journal of Operational Research 》 《Transportation Science 》 《Operational Research》 国内外有关航空运输管理研究的机构 AGIFORS——The Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies M. I. T——International Center for Air Transportation NASA Center —— Langley Research Center Manchester Metropolitan University ——The Centre for Aviation Transport and the Environment George Mason University ——Center for Air Transportation Systems Research …………Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University ,Cranfields University IFORS & AGIFORS AGIFORS AGIFORS is the outcome of informal discussions between six airline Operational Research workers (from Trans Canada, Air France, Sabena, BEA, and Swissair) who were present at the second international conference in Operational Research at Aix en Provence, France, in 1960. These informal discussions led to the formation of a committee, which organized a Symposium on the use of Operational Research within the airline industry, at Spring Valley, New York in October 1961. This Symposium was deemed successful and resulted in the formation of AGIFORS as a professional society dedicated to the free exchange of ideas and new advances in Operations Research within the airline industry. Today the AGIFORS membership exceeds 1,200 professionals representing more than 200 airlines, airline manufacturers and aviation related industries and associations. 运筹学各分支在航空运输管理中的应用 运筹学在航空运输管理中的典型领域 收益管理——我们应用运筹学方法解决管理问题的实践 鲍伯·克兰于80年代中期率先将收益管理应用于美利坚航空公司,使该公司的收益每年增加5千万美元以来,收益管理在美国国内已被广泛应用于铁路、宾馆等行业。 收益管理是在经济学、统计学、预测技术、优化技术和计算机技术基础上形成的一套科学的营销管理方法,核心内容是在合适的时间,将合适的产品以合适的价格销售给合适的消费者,实现收入最大化。 对航空公司来讲,收益管理就是在激烈的市场竞争条件下,决定同一航班上针对不同的等级票价,分别出售多少座位的问题。航空公司收益管理的两个主要因素为等级价格和座位优


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