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Step 3 Practice Task 2: Compose a memo according to the following situation. Situation: 湖南外贸进出口公司办公室王莉对本公司的办公电脑状况做了一个调查,并拟写一份备忘录呈递总经理。此备忘录的目的:陈述对办公电脑状况的调查结果;研究的问题:现有的电脑是否能够满足公司的办公需要;在调查中采用的方法:检测电脑的运行速度;检测的结果:电脑硬件已过时,电脑运行速度慢;得出的结论:需要修复和更换电脑;建议:立即购置四台运行WindowsXP、运行速度至少233mhz的电脑。 Requirement:请根据上述情景,代王莉给总经理拟一份备忘录。 Step 1 Discussion 1. Choice of type 2. The writing of the heading 3.The writing of the body report memo back MEMORANDUM TO:????????? FROM:??????? DATE:???????? SUBJECT:? back Purpose: … Summary: … Problem: … Methods:…. Results: … Conclusions:… Recommendations:… back Step 2 Summary 1. The writing skills in report memo composition is inclusive of the writing of the heading, the writing of the body, the selection of the words and mood, etc. 2. General skills in report memo composition: 1) Decide the type of the memo. 2) Select appropriate writing style. 3) Settle language points such as the selection of words, voice, mood and tense, etc. Exercises 1 1 It is important to write a good subject line in your memo. Read the memo below, and write a subject line for it. Memo To: General manager From: Senior Service Engineer Date: 23 September 2007 Subject: ___________________ I have just been informed our Cleaning Staff that a considerable quantity of cleaning equipment and fluid has recently gone missing. Let me say that I take a very serious view of theft, if the theft is what it is. Anyone found in possession of company materials or equipment outside work hours will be dismissed. We shall also prosecute. We must stop theft now. if it continues, we all pay the price. Exercise 2 Write a memo based on the following information. Suppose that you (Tony Party) are a supervisor of a big company. The chief of operation (David Green) wants to adopt the punch-in (打卡上班) system to increase productivity. You write a memo which covers the following issues: You agree with David in terms of increasing productivity in the com


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