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英语 人教版 选修七 unit2 Robots 敦化市高级中学 李克兰 * * Unit 2 Robots Entertainment robots Industrial robots 工业机器人 household robots家用机器人 The robot which can play with children. The robot which can play football. The robot which can speak to people. What is a robot? A robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by humans. * Science fiction about robots * Transformers 《变形金刚》 I, Robot 《我,机器人 》 Read a short story about a robot. It was originally written by the science fiction writer, Isaac Asimov, and published in 1951. Here the story has been retold by another writer. Background information:背景信息 A retelling of an Isaac Asimov’s story called Satisfaction Guaranteed. About a human-like robot. Asimov’s first law(铁规) for robots: A robot must not injure human beings or allow them to be injured. The robot causes the main female character(文艺作品里的人物) to have some very confusing feelings. Skimming & scanning Reading for main idea What is the text mainly about? It is mainly about how a household _________ was _________ ________ in a family. robot tested out Reading: Satisfaction guaranteed Larry Belmont Tony Claire Characters in the story: Gladys Claffern working in a company that makes robots Larry’s wife, a housewife the robot a woman that Claire envies (嫉妒) Reading for details Claire had a sense of failure She was not Clever and overweight Her house was not elegant The salesman was rude to her She wanted to be another Gladys She fell off a ladder Claire had a sense of failure She was not elegant Her house was not elegant The salesman was rude to her She wanted to be another Gladys She fell off a ladder He gave her a new haircut and changed the make up she wore He managed to catch her in time from the next room He suggested a party in her house He made the salesman changed his attitude He transformed the house completely Was Claire satisfied with Tony? How did Claire f


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