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Finally, let's end with a picture of today's lecture. Let us remember him forever. Leslie , I can still remember thanks 宠爱,张国荣 Miss you much ,Leslie… In 2010, he was elected as number one for the reason of “loving Hong Kong” 2010年,香港电台“爱香港的理由”评选结果揭晓,第一名:张国荣 Know about Lesile Lesile Cheung 12 September 1956 -1 April 2003 nicknamed elder brother (哥哥),was a musician , actor from Hong Kong His song The rival between Leslie and Alan I am (我) Silence is golden (沉默是金) Red (红) When the love has become the past(当爱已成往事) Last song for you (风继续吹) The wind will carry us (风再起时) Monica 当年情 His movie The film with Chinese culture the profound Beijing Opera Art and artists living, with thoughts and life state representations, even through several decades of current situation, reflecting a Chinese traditional culture philosophy thinking. Of the characters experience as " play dream life A Chinese Ghost Story 人生路美梦似路长   路里风霜风霜扑面干   红尘里美梦有几多方向   找痴痴梦幻中心爱   路随人茫茫      人生是美梦与热望   梦里依稀依稀有泪光   何去何从去觅我心中方向   风仿佛在梦中轻叹   路和人茫茫      人间路快乐少年郎   路里崎岖崎岖不见阳光   泥尘里快乐有几多方向   一丝丝梦幻般风雨   路随人茫茫    不可超越的书生 宁采臣 In the years to come, I'll be given the nickname: Malicious West.Well,everyone can be very malicious if you've ever been jealous of someone. Days of Being Wild 。 The world is a bird without legs which life has been able to fly, fly tired sleep in the wind. The bird life will fall to the ground a time, that is the moment of death He played roles Whether of dramas, comedy or action movies, he can shape a classic screen image in their own temperament and talent (无论是文艺片、喜剧片亦或是动作片,他都能挥洒自如,并以自己的气质和天赋塑造了一个个经典的银幕形象) : 《倩女幽魂》中的宁采臣、《胭脂扣》中的十二少、《阿飞正传》中的旭仔、 《霸王别姬》中的程蝶衣、《东邪西毒》中的欧阳锋、《春光乍泄》中的何宝荣都已成为留名影史的经典角色。 His lover: Mr. Tang Leslie's?love affairs?always used as?weapons?to attack him, but he?is still?widely respected and?recognized, of course,?and his?career?is?on?the?great achievements. "Forever?and sometimes do,?this?love?ever lasting," which is


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