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* * * * * * * * * * An introduction to Britain and its education system 英国和英国教育系统介绍 Dr Jane Medwell Jane Medwell 博士 Multicultural Britain 多元文化的英国 Population 61,792,000 (2009) 口(2009) England 83.8% 英格兰占83.8% Scotland 8.4 % 苏格兰占8.4% Wales 4.9 % 威尔士占4.9% Northern Ireland 2.9% 北爱尔兰占2.9% One in five are under 16 五分之一的人口为16岁以下 95% speak English as first language 95%的人英语是母语 86% white British ethnicity 86%的人是英国白人 12 indigenous language (all second language) 100 main immigrant languages (EG 2 million Punjabi) 有12种本土语言(除了英语的第二语言)和100种主要的移民语言(比如有2百万人说Punjabi——印度的一种语言) Here is one pupil’s work about language spoken in London 一学生作品:伦敦的语言种类 England 英格兰 99% literacy 99%的人有读写能力 Compulsory primary schooling since 1870 and secondary since 1900 从1870年开始强制小学义务教育,1900年开始强制中学义务教育 Education departments in England, Scotland and Wales fund schools through a Local Authority (or Education Authority in Scotland). In Northern Ireland, schools are largely financed from public funds through five Education and Library Boards. 英格兰,苏格兰和威尔士都是通过当地教育主管部门(或者在苏格兰被叫做教育机关)来资助学校的。在北爱尔兰,学校则主要通过五个教育和图书董事会来提供公共资金资助。 There are currently 150 local authorities in England and 22 in Wales, also responsible for social care 目前英格兰共有150个当地教育主管部门,威尔士有22个。他们同时也负责社会工作。 Key history 主要历史回顾 The Education Act of 1870 1870年的教育法案 It was with The Education Act of 1870 " the Forster Act" was the real birth of the modern system of education in England. It established compulsory primary education and elementary schools nationwide. These supplemented those already run by the churches or other private schools. 1870年教育法连同“福斯特法案” 是现代英国教育系统的开端。它在全国范围内实行强制小学教育。其弥补了当时教会或其他私立学校的不足。 This is why we have a system of both church, state and private schools. 这是为什么我们现在的教育系统同时包括教会学校,公立学校和私立学校一体。 Elementary education became free with the passing of the 1891 Education Act. 小学教育自从1891年的教育法案通过以后就是全免费的了。 The Education Act of 1944 1944年的教育法案 If education is to foster the "spiritual, mental and physical" well-being


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