长沙市岳麓区社区体育设施调查研究 精灵论文.doc

长沙市岳麓区社区体育设施调查研究 精灵论文.doc

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长沙市岳麓区社区体育设施调查研究 精灵论文

长沙市岳麓区社区体育设施调查研究 唐小梅 (湖南师范大学体育学院,长沙 410081) 摘要:社区体育作为基本公共服务的重要内容和社区建设的窗口,在提高城市文明程度和居 民生活质量方面,愈来愈显示其特有的功能。近年来,社区体育在长沙市得到了一定的发展, 一些新建的居民小区修建了一定的体育场地和设施,为小区居民提供了较好的健身条件。但 是还有小部分社区,存在空地少、房屋建筑多、街道狭窄、体育场地和体育设施少的现状, 影响了社区居民的建身活动,这成了城市开展社区体育活动的瓶颈。本文主要采用问卷调查、 文献资料、专家访谈等研究方法对长沙市岳麓区部分社区的体育设施进行调查研究,通过分 析当前社区体育设施的使用、规划等基本情况,提出自己的见解和建议,旨在促进社区体育 的发展和推进全民健身计划的全面实行和发展。 关键词: 长沙;城市社区;体育设施;发展建议 The invesigation of the use of sports facilities in some communities in Changsha TANG Xiaomei (The college of physical education,Hunan normal university,changsha 410081) Abstract: Community sports as an important part of basic public services and community building window, the degree of civilization in the city and residents to improve the quality of life, more and show its unique features. In recent years, community sports in Changsha City has been some development, some of the new residential area built some sports venues and facilities for the district residents a better health condition. But there is a small part of the community, there is little open space, housing construction and more narrow streets, sports venues and sports facilities, less current status, influence the construction of physical activities, community residents, it has become the bottleneck of urban development of community sports activities. This paper uses a questionnaire survey of literature, expert interviews and other research methods Yuelu sports facilities to some communities to investigate and study, through analysis of the current community use of sports facilities, planning and other basic conditions, made their views and recommendations aimed in the promotion of community sports development and promote the full implementation of the national health plan and development. Key words: Changsha; urban communities; sports facilities; development proposals 0 引言 随着社会经济的不断发展,物质生活水平的不断提高和全民健身活动的深入开展,人们 的生活观念有了较大的变化。“身心健康”的概念正在深入人心,人们的生活方式也正在起着 较大的变化,崇尚健康的生活时尚使体育运动成为生活中不可缺少的部分。这是社会发展进 步的必然,也为进一步实施全民健身计划奠定了良好的社会


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