迪士尼乐园东京迪士尼解析 中英文版.ppt

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迪士尼乐园东京迪士尼解析 中英文版

Tokyo Disneyland 小组成员:吕茜茜 杨 雪 祝华菁 蒋 珍 It was Tokyos nastiest winter day in four years.Arctic winds and eight inches of snow lashed the city.Roads were clogged and trains slowed down. But the bad weather didn’t keep 13,200 hardy souls from Tokyo Disneyland.Mikki Mausu,better known outside Janpan as Mickey Mouse,had taken the country by storm. 那是东京四年来最严寒的冬天。伴随着北极风而来的四英尺厚的雪冲击了整个城市。道路都堵住了,列车缓慢行驶着。但是恶劣的天气并没有影响到东京迪士尼13200坚毅的灵魂,在日本家喻户晓的米奇老鼠暴风似的席卷了整个城市。 1.nasty:肮脏的;下流的;卑鄙的;下贱的 比较级:nastier 最高级:nastiest 2.lash: 鞭打;冲击;猛烈的拍击 3.clog:阻塞;障碍 4.slow down:减速;放慢速度;使……慢下来 Located on a fridge of reclaimed shoreline in Urayasu City on the outskirts of Tokyo,the park opened to the public on April 15,1983. In less than one year ,over 10 million people had passed through its gates,an attendence figure that has been bettered every single year. 坐落在东京郊区千叶县浦安市再生海岸线的一座桥上,公园于1983年4月15号向公众开放。在不到一年的时间里,超过1000万的游客通过了它的大门,每年的考核数据已经被虐。 1.reclaimed:回收的,再生的 2.shoreline:海岸线 3.Urayasu City :千叶县浦安市 On August 13,1983, 93,000 people helped set a one-day attendence record that easily eclipsed the old records established at the two parent U.S.parks.Four years later,records again toppled as the turnstile clicked.The total this time:111,500. 1983年8月13日,93000人帮助创建了为期一天的出席记录,该记录很容易的超越了母国-美国两个迪士尼乐园的记录。四年后,当十字转门推动,记录再次被颠覆。这一次的总数为:111500。 1.topple:推翻;颠覆 2.turnstile:十字转门 The steady cash flow pushed revenues for fical year 1989 to $768 million,up 17 percent from 1988.By 1988,approximately 50 million people,or nearly half of Japan’s population,had visited Tokyo Disneyland since its opening. 稳定的现金流推动了财政紧缩年1989年的收入达到7.68亿美元,较1988年增长17%。截止1988年,自东京迪士尼开业以来,相当于日本一半的人口,也就是大约5千万的人次来此游玩过。 The 204-acre Tokyo Disneyland is owned and operated by Oriental Land under license from the Walt Disney Co. The 45 contract gives Disney 10 percent of admissions and 5 percent of food and merchangise sales,plus lidensing fees.Disney opted to take no equity in the project and p


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