Cells of inflammation and Immunity:炎症和免疫细胞.ppt

Cells of inflammation and Immunity:炎症和免疫细胞.ppt

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Cells of inflammation and Immunity:炎症和免疫细胞

Cells of inflammation and Immunity G. Wharfe 2005 Immune system Detect and respond to antigens Protects against pathogenic microorganisms Also elicits response against noninfectious foreign organisms Used in inflammatory response and tissue repair Immune response Response needs to be quick and efficient Two systems Innate Adaptive Cells of IR All derived from BM stem cells Influenced by growth factors Begin as multipotent stem cell Develop into committed stem cells Innate immune system First to respond Limits infection before adaptive response Usually involve nonlymphoid cells Cells are macrophages and polymorphonuclear neutrophils(PMN) Also involves complement and acute phase proteins If innate immunity cures infection-no adaptive immunity develops Normal haematopoiesis Adaptive immunity Inducible antigen specific response Primary lymphoid organs produce lymphocytes capable of responding to various antigens Lymphocytes form na?ve pool in blood Lymphocytes circulate in peripheral lymphoid organs Location for Ag-dependent IR Immunoglobulin Cells of innate immune system All are bone marrow derived Lineage commitment depends on stromal contact and cytokines Dendritic cells-Antigen presenting cells Develop from peripheral blood monocyte precursors Found in the interstitium and T cell areas Stimulate Ag specific T cells Phagocytic cells PMN’s Macrophages Granulocytes Inflammatory cells Contain cytoplasmic granules Neutrophils Eosinophils Basophils Neutrophil Stages of granulocyte maturation Neutrophils Major phagocytic granulocyte Contain multilobed nucleus Neutrophilic granules Respond to chemotactic stimuli Activated by macrophage and endothelial derived cytokines Major cell of acute inflammation Primary effector cells in IR to pyogens Neutrophils Have Fc receptors for IgG and c’ Bind and phagocytose opsonised antigens Link between 2 arms of immune system Regulates activation and recruitment of macrophages by cytokines Phagocytosis Principal mechanism of


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