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Select the correct answer for the following questions. Refer to the “Examination Book of Specifications” for the appropriate information. (為下列問題選擇正確答案,請參考”檢驗技術要求”) The designer has detailed the joint B-U2-GF for the welding of two structural members. What is the acceptable range of root opening dimensions for that joint configuration ? (設計者要求兩個構件的接頭形式為B-U2-GF,請問根部間範圍是?) 0 to 1/8〞 1/16 to 3/16 0 to 1/4〞 0 to 3/16〞 none of the above (以上答案都不對) Where would the designation A5.18,A5.29,etc.appear on the form in Appendix I ? (A5.18,A5.29應該在附錄I中出現在哪裡?) Space #5 (#5空格) Space #6 (#6空格) Space #7 (#7空格) Space #1 (#1空格) None of the above (以上答案都不對) Which of the following would be an acceptable electrode for GMAW of 3〞 thick A514 steel ? (對於氣體保護焊焊接3〞厚的A514鋼板,應使用下列哪種焊條?) E10XT ER100S ER110S All of the above (所有以上焊條) None of the above (以上答案都不對) For the condition listed in Question #3, what is the required preheat and interpass temperature ? (對於#3問題中的情況,預熱溫度和層間溫度的要求是什麼) 225℉ minimum (最低225℉) 225℉ maximum (最高225℉) 225℉ min.- 450℉ max. (最低225℉,最高450℉) 225℉ min.- 400℉ max. (最低225℉,最高400℉) none of the above (以上答案都不對) Butt Weld Sample (對接焊縫試樣) What is the depth of the undercut on this weld sample ? (本焊縫試樣中咬邊深度為多少) 1/16〞 .003mm 1/32〞 5.01mm The weld reinforcement on this sample is (本焊縫加強餘高為多少) 1/32〞– 1/8〞 0.8mm – 3.2mm 1/2〞– 5/8〞 both a and b (a和b都對) Which of the following processes would be acceptable for the pre-qualified joining B-U2-GF ? (下列哪種方法用於B-U2a-GF接頭可免除工藝評定?) FCAW (藥芯焊絲氣體保護焊) SMAW (手工電弧焊) GTAW (鎢極氬弧焊) SAW (埋弧自動焊) All of the above (所有以上答案) The following information applies for questions 8 through 14 below:(下列資訊用於問題8-14) A welding procedure is being qualified for the welding of A514 plate for a bridge application. The welding process to be used is FCAW, and the weld configuration is single-V-groove weld with a steel backing. The thickness of the te



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