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Main Page 主页 Modules 模块 Classes 类 窗体顶端 S earch for 小号 earch为 窗体底端 Pin 2.10 User Guide引脚2.10用户指南 ======================================================================================== ================================================== ====================================== Introduction 简介 ======================================================================================== ================================================== ====================================== Pin is a tool for the instrumentation of programs.脚是一个工具,仪器仪表方案。 It supports Linux* and Windows* executables for IA-32, Intel(R) 64, and IA-64 architectures.它支持的Linux *和Windows *可执行文件的IA - 32英特尔(R)64和IA - 64架构。 Pin allows a tool to insert arbitrary code (written in C or C++) in arbitrary places in the executable.引脚允许一个工具插入在可执行文件中的任意地方任意代码(在C或C + +编写)。 The code is added dynamically while the executable is running.代码的可执行文件运行时动态添加。 This also makes it possible to attach Pin to an already running process.这也使得它有可能已经运行的进程附加引脚。 Pin provides a rich API that abstracts away the underlying instruction set idiosyncracies and allows context information such as register contents to be passed to the injected code as parameters.引脚提供了丰富的API抽象了底层指令集idiosyncracies,并允许范围内寄存器的内容,如信息传递给注入的代码作为参数。 Pin automatically saves and restores the registers that are overwritten by the injected code so the application continues to work.引脚自动保存和恢复寄存器都被注入的代码覆盖,使应用程序继续工作。 Limited access to symbol and debug information is available as well.以及符号和调试信息的获得有限。 Pin includes the source code for a large number of example instrumentation tools like basic block profilers, cache simulators, instruction trace generators, etc. It is easy to derive new tools using the examples as a template.引脚包括像基本块廓线仪,高速缓存模拟器,指令跟踪发电机等大量的例子仪器工具的源代码,这是很容易派生作为模板使用新工具的例子。 Tutorial Sections教程第 How to instrument with Pin 如何引脚仪器 Examples 例子 Callbacks 回调 Modifying Application Instructions 修改应用程序说明 Debugging the Application while Running Under Pin 调试应用程序运行,而在引脚 A


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