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主语从句 1. Watch out! ___________________ smoking here shall be fined at once.(caught) 当心!无论抓到谁在此吸烟都会立刻罚款。 2. ____________________________ the open ceremony gave the students much encouragement.(attend) 校长亲自参加开幕式,这给学生带来了极大的鼓舞。 3. ___________________ college students should learn more about Chinese history.(it) 我认为大学生了解更多历史很重要。 4. ___________________ is clear to us.(land) 我们很清楚是谁第一个登上月球的。 5. _________________________ there was a short cut to the history museum.(occur) 我突然想起去历史博物馆有条近路。 6. It is announce that ________________________ in the examination will be graded zero.(catch) 已宣布任何被抓到在考试中作弊的学生都得零分。 7. _______________________ is the salary and the chance to travel. (attract) 吸引我做这份工作的是其薪水和有去旅游的机会。 8. It matters little how a man dies; _____________________ is how he lives.(matter) 一个人是如何死的这不重要,重要的是他是怎样生活的。 9. __________________doesn’t make much difference if he wants to apply for this job.(abroad) 如果他想申请这份工作,他是否出国并没有太大的影响。 10. ______________________in the game worried his coach.(make) 那个运动员在比赛中可能会犯错,这让他的教练很着急。 Keys: 1. Whoever is caught/ Anyone caught 2. That the principal himself attended 3. I think it important that 4. Who first landed on the moon 5. It suddenly occurred to me that 6. Anyone who is caught cheating / Whoever is caught cheating 7. What attracts me to this job 8. What matters 9. Whether he has been abroad 10. That the athlete might make mistakes 宾语从句 1. I would appreciate it _______________________ for the doctor’s appointment.(if) 如果你今天下午因为医生的预约回电话的话,我将不胜感激。 2. I wonder ____________________asking a few question.(mind) 我想知道你是否介意我问几个问题。 3. We haven’t settle the question of __________________ to study abroad.(necessary) 我还没有解决对她来说是否有必要去国外学习的问题。 1 4. All finished, we sat down to enjoy _____________________.(think) 所有事情完成之后,我们坐下来享用我们认为是最美味的晚餐。 5.The road is covered with snow. I can’t understand ___________________.(insist) 路被雪覆盖了。我不明白他们为什么坚持骑摩托车去。 6. I haven’t the slightest idea _________________________.(talk) 我根本不知道他正在说什么。 7. He suggests that chil



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