Unity3d—Using the Scene View中文翻译.doc

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Unity3d—Using the Scene View中文翻译

Unity Manual User Guide Building Scenes Using the Scene View Using the Scene View(使用场景视图) The Scene View is your interactive sandbox. You will use the Scene View to select and position environments, the player, the camera, enemies, and all other GameObjects. Maneuvering and manipulating objects within the Scene View are some of the most important functions in Unity, so its important to be able to do them quickly. 场景视图是交互式沙箱。你用选择和环境播放器相机敌人和所有。在和操作对象是最重要的,因此,能够迅速们是重要的。Scene View Navigation Positioning GameObjects View Modes Scene View Navigation(场景视图导航) Navigate the Scene View quickly and efficiently with the Scene View controls. 利用场景视图控制器快速有效地场景视图Arrow Movement(用箭头移动) Use Arrow Keys to move around the scene. Holding down Shift will make you move faster. 使用键移动会使你移动得更快。Focusing(聚焦) Select any GameObject and press the F key. This will center the Scene View and pivot point on the selection. This is also known as Frame Selection. 选择游戏对象,然后按F键将中心点这。Orbit, Move, and Zoom(旋转、移动、缩放) Orbiting, moving, and zooming is at the core of the Scene View navigation. In order to to ensure that its easy and accessible regardless of the setup youre using, theres a few different ways to do it. These controls can be used regardless of which tool is selected. Holding down Shift will make you move and zoom faster. 旋转、移动和缩放是导航核心。为了确保简单,有几种不同的方式。无论哪一种工具被选中这些可用,让移动和速度更快。With a Three Button Mouse(使用三键鼠标) Orbit: Hold Alt and click-drag to orbit the camera around the current pivot point. 旋转:按住Alt键并拖动绕当前 Move: Hold Alt and middle click-drag to drag the camera around. 移动:按住Alt键拖动 Zoom: Hold Alt and right click-drag to zoom the camera. 缩放:按住Alt键并拖动右键。 With No Middle Mouse ButtonOrbit: Hold Alt and click-drag to orbit the camera around the current pivot point. 旋转:按住Alt键并拖动绕当前 Move: Hold Alt-Control (Alt-Command on Mac) and click-drag to drag the camera around. 移动:按住Alt拖动 Zoom: Hold Alt and right click-drag to zoom the camera. 缩放:按住Alt键并拖动右键。 Using a One-Button MouseOrbit: Hold Alt and click


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