《Lesson 52 The Power of a Smile课件》初中英语冀教2011课标版九年级全一册课件6774.ppt

《Lesson 52 The Power of a Smile课件》初中英语冀教2011课标版九年级全一册课件6774.ppt

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《Lesson 52 The Power of a Smile课件》初中英语冀教2011课标版九年级全一册课件6774

How do you feel when you see the smiling face pictures? Lesson 52 The Power of a Smile dining hall 餐厅;饭厅 [da?n??] A smile can help us face the difficulties. With a smile, we can understand each other better. Smiling is a universal language. New Words difficulty [‘d?f?k?lti] n. 困难 difficulties difficult adj. 困难的 dining [da?n??] n. 用餐 dining hall 餐厅;饭厅 simply [‘s?mpli] adv. 只是 somehow [‘s?mha?] adv. 以某种方式 adapt [?’d?pt] v. 使适应;改编 adapt to 适应;使适应于 universal [‘ju:n?’v?:sl] adj. 通用的;全世界的;普遍的 Read the text quickly and answer the questions. How did Sam feel at first? At first, he felt lonely. What did Sam face at first ? He faced many difficulties and he had no friends. What happened to Sam at last? At last, he made some friends. Read the lesson again and finish the following questions. 1.It is difficult for Sam to be accepted in a small, closed group. ( ) 2.It was even worse than he imagined after they moved to France. ( ) 3. Before he arrived, he knew there would be many __________ (difficult). 4. He _________ (simple) couldnt find the right words to reach them. 5. Somehow, he had to adapt to this new environment. (翻译) _________________________________________________________ 6. How did Sams French friends get along with Sam when Sam smiled at them? ___________________________________________________________ Read the whole text with your partner. Listen to the tape and check your pronunciation. Pair workⅠ: How did Sam make his new friends? smile at ; smile back at; come towards; ask…to join Pair workⅡ: Read the lesson and retell the story about Sam. At first,… Then,… At last,… Pratice Ⅰ Find out these phrases in your lesson and translate into Chinese. gather together sit alone a group of dining hall adapt to walk by smile at PracticeⅡ: work in groups Talk with your partner and write a short passage Homework Read the lesson by yourself. Finish your short passage. relax comfortable happy... Smiling can make me feel ... They are hav



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