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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 托福写作文章里关于友谊的讨论 大家都知道托福写作需要考生们在复习的时候多看一些托福独立写 作模板,这对于大家积累托福作文是很有帮助的,那么如何讨论哪种朋 友更好?下面为各位准备了一个不错的材料,希望各位能从中有收获。 托福写作准备:哪种朋友更好? 托福作文题目: The friends that you can have fun with are more important than the friends that you can get help from? 托福独立写作模板: 1. A close and congenial friend is what every individual aspires after. 拥有亲密无间的和志同道合的朋友是人人都渴望的。 点评:…… is what every individual aspires after …… 是人人渴望的 点评:congenial friends = like-minded friends n志同道合的朋友 2. A day without friendship is like a day without sunshine. 没有友谊的生活就像是没有阳光的生活。 点评:个性开篇,谈及友谊对于生活的意义。 3. a trustworthy friend n 值得信赖的朋友 点评:trustworthy = reliable adj 可以信赖的 4. Those who can go through thick and thin together with you 那些可以和你风雨同舟的人(作家文采) 5. a shoulder to cry on n可以提供慰藉的人 点评:该短语是口语用法,比较地道,写作中可使用一次 ,体现表 达的丰富。 6. a humorous friend = a friend with great sense of humor n 一个幽默的朋友 7. enjoy wonderful time together = have fun together v一起享受欢乐时光 8. sincere friends n真诚的朋友 9. intimate friends n亲密的朋友 10. bosom friends n密友;知己 11. Prosperity helps us make friends, however,adversity helps us try them. 富贵易交友,患难见真情。(作家观点) 点评:try sb v考验某人 12. A friend in need is a friend in deed 患难见真情 点评:in need adv在危难中 点评:in deed adv 真正地 13. The most essential standard to judge a true friend is whether he or she will provide us with timely support in time of plight. 判断好友的最重要的标准就是,是否他或她愿意在逆境中给我们 提供及时的帮助(观点总结) 14. Whenever I run into unexpected adverse circumstances, it is Sandy that provides me with emotional support and spiritual consolation. 无论何时我遇到意想不到的困境 ,Sandy 总是可以给我提供情感支持和精神安慰。(例证支持) 15. I believe true friend can surpass the age limitation. I always take my father as my trustworthy friend from whom I really benefit a great deal. 我相信好友是超越年龄的限制 ,我一直认 为爸爸是值得信赖的朋友,从他身上我获益良多。(细节展开) 点评:重视自我情感的自由写作 16. This debate rem


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