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本科毕业论文(设计)模板 本科毕业论文(设计) 论文题目: 浅析诺基亚手机市场营销策略及对策 学生姓名: 曹建波 学 号: 0802140228 专 业: 市场营销 班 级: 市营0802 指导教师: 赵 源 完成日期: 2012 年 5 月 18 日 浅析诺基亚手机市场营销策略及对策 内 容 摘 要 科技的快速发展,给手机行业也带来了高速发展,十几年前有一个手机,是能力身份的象征,到现在大街小巷随处都可见人们拿着手机打电话,手机已经成为人们联系的主要工具。诺基亚从一个塑胶厂发展到世界老大级别的手机制造商,诺基亚演绎了一个传奇,占据手机市场老大位置十几年,但是近几年由于各方面的原因,诺基亚正在衰落,市场份额下滑,品牌形象降低,诺基亚公司甚至面临破产。 本文先介绍了一下诺基亚的发展历程,再通过一些数据讲述诺基亚的经营状况,发现了诺基亚近几年一直处于下滑趋势,再用SWOT分析法把诺基亚进行市场营销的优势、劣势机会、威胁进行分析,然后根据诺基亚营销现状及SWOT分析找出诺基亚进行市场营销的问题所在,最后提出诺基亚进行市场营销的对策。 关键词:手机 营销 对策 Analysis of Nokia mobile phone marketing strategy and Countermeasures Abstract The rapid development of science and technology, the mobile phone industry has brought rapid development of ten years ago, there is a mobile phone, is the ability of a symbol of identity, to the present high streets and back lanes everywhere visible people with mobile phone, mobile phone has become the main tool for people to contact. Nokia from a plastic factory to the development of world old level of mobile phone manufacturers, Nokia interpretation of a legend, occupy the mobile phone market leader position for several years, but in recent years due to various reasons, Nokia is in decline, market share, brand image is reduced, Nokia company even facing bankruptcy. This paper first introduces the Nokia development course, and through some data about Nokia operating conditions, found the Nokia in recent years have been in decline, with SWOT analysis method to Nokia marketing strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threat analysis, and then according to the Nokia marketing situation and SWOT analysis to find out the Nokia marketing the problem, finally put forward the Nokia marketing countermeasures. Key words:Nokia arketing Countermeasures 目录 序言………………………………………………………………………1 一、诺基亚手机市场的发展……………………………………………1 (一)诺基亚手机的发展历史…………………………………………1 (二)诺基亚手机的发展趋势…………………………………………3 二、诺基亚手机营销现状分析及现存问题……………………………4 (一)诺基亚营销现状分析…………


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