酒店客房培训--001正确称呼客人Addressing a Guest.doc

酒店客房培训--001正确称呼客人Addressing a Guest.doc

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酒店客房培训--001正确称呼客人Addressing a Guest

STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 标准操作程序 ADDRESSING A GUEST 正确称呼客人 Task Number: 任务号: BUT-0001 Department: 部门: Butler Date Issued: 制定日期: August 2011 2011年8月 Guest Expectation: 客人期望: I expect to be addressed correctly and politely and I expect my Butler to be able to pronounce and remember my name. 希望能准确、礼貌的称呼我, 能正确地叫出并记住我的名字。 Time to Train: 培训时间: 30 minutes 30分钟 Why is this task important for you and our guests? 为什么这项任务对你和我们的客人都很重要。 Answers: 回答: I should be courteous to all guests. 应该礼貌地对待客人。 I need to fulfill the guest expectation 应该实现客人期望。 I want to maintain InterContinental Hotel high standards by addressing guests correctly.按照洲际最高标准迎接客人。 I can show my professionalism.展示我们的职业水准。 WHAT/ STEPS 什么/步骤 HOW/ STANDARDS 如何做/标准 TRAINING QUESTIONS 培训问题 Guest name 客人名字 Print next day arrival report in the afternoon and check all VIP, Suite room and Club InterContinental guest names. 下午打印出第二天的人员到达报告,检查所有的重要客人及随同人员房间,洲际俱乐部客人名单 Butler must be able to memorize and pronounce their names correctly. 需要正确地记住及拼写他们的名字。 When do we check the guest names? 我们在哪里检查客人名单? Why do I have to memorize the guest name? 为什么我要记住客人名字。 Check the guest name and title 检查客人名字及头衔 Look for the guest title and name in the computer system. If there is any doubt whether the title or name is correct, contact Reservations or Sales to double check. 利用计算机系统寻找客人头衔和名字。如果对客人名字和头衔的正确性有任何疑问,请与预定部和销售部核实。 These are the titles as they have to be used to address our guests: 称呼客人的头衔: A KING国王 First time address as “Your Majesty”, then “ Sir” 第一次称呼为“陛下”,然后称为“先生” A QUEEN女王 First time as “Your Majesty”, then “ Madam” 第一次称呼为“陛下”,然后称为“女士” A PRINCESS公主 First time as “Your Royal Highness”, then “Madam” 第一次称呼为“殿下”,然后称为“女士” A PRINCE王子 First time as “Your Royal Highness”, then “Sir” 第一次称呼“殿下”,然后称为“先生” A ROYAL DUKE皇室公爵 First time as “Your Royal Highness”, then “Sir” 第一次称呼为“殿下”,然后称为“先生” A DUCHESS公爵夫人 First time as “Your Royal Highness”, then “Mada


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