人教版新目标九年级英语教学-Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.(6课时教案).docVIP

人教版新目标九年级英语教学-Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.(6课时教案).doc

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学科 English 课时 1 年级 9年级 课题 Unit?11?Sad?movies?make?me?cry.?1/6 教学 要求 1.New words and expressions: 1. drive 2. lately a 3. friendship 1. make me sleepy 2. drive sb crazy 3. 越…越…the more…, the more 掌握句子1. ---I’d rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating. ---But that music make me sleepy. ---更愿意到蓝海洋餐厅,因为我喜欢在吃饭时听轻音乐。 --=但那种音乐使我困倦。 2. Waiting for Amy drove Tina crazy. 等候Amy使Tina发狂。 教学 重点 难点 重点词?1.?drive? 2.?lately?adv.?3.?friendship?n; 重点词组?1.?make?me?sleepy?2.?drive?sb?crazy 3.? the?more…,?the?more?? 4.?yes?and?no?5.?be?friends?with?sb??6.?feel?left?out 句子:1. The movie was so sad that it made Tina and Amy cry. 这部电影是如此悲伤以致使Tina和Amy 都哭了。 2. Sad movies don’t make John cry. They just make him want to leave quickly. 悲伤的电影没有让John 哭他们只能使他想尽快离开。 教 法 情景教学法 任务型教学法 合作学习法 教学过程及教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step 1 : 学生自主学习完成。 根据汉语提示完成单词。? 1.?We?should?spend?more?time?with?our?friends?to?make?our?friendship?(友谊)?stronger.?? 2.?Jim?is?often?late?for?school?and?gets?to?sleep?in?class?lately?(最近).? 3.?This?naughty?baby?often?drives?(迫使)?Mrs.?Smith?crazy.? 4.?I?often?feel?sleepy?(困倦)?after?taking?this?medicine?in?the?morning.? 5.?I?have?realized?(意识到)?that?there?is?something?wrong?with? my?pet?dog.? Step2课堂导学方案 Step 1 情景导入 Teacher: Most of us like music. A piece of soft music makes us feel relaxed, a loud music may make us feel boring and an exciting one makes us happy and excited. What kind of music do you like? Why? Students: ___________ ① I don’t like loud music. It makes me angry. ② I like quiet music. It makes me feel at ease. ?? Step 2 完成教材1a-1c的任务 1. 要求学生看课本P81 1a部分的图片。并按要求完成课本上相应的任务。2. 检查答案,要求2-3名同学根据提示内容回答问题,并把学生所列举的原因写在黑板上。(3分钟) Teacher: Which would you like to go? why? Students: ______. ①I’d like to go to the Blue Ocean because I don’t like loud music. It makes me angry. ② I’d like to go to the Blue Ocean too because I like quiet music just like the girl in the picture does. It makes me feel at ease. ③ I’ d like to go to Rockin


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