Unit 10 A英汉对照.docx

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Unit 10 A英汉对照

Unit 10A 文化有点类似于把一片消食片丢进一个玻璃杯里——你无法看见,但因为它,总会有事情发生。 Culture is a little like dropping an Alka-Seltzer into a glass-you dont see it, but somehow it does something.——汉斯?马格努斯?恩岑斯贝格尔 --Hans Magnus Enzensberger跨文化营销策略MARKING ACCROSS CULTURE雪莉·E詹Sherrie E. Zhan1 我们几乎都听说过这样一个销售案例:美国通用汽车公司试图在拉丁美洲销售他们的 Nova车型,结果发现在西班牙语中,“no va”的字面意思是“它走不了”。当然,同样有名的还有另外一个案例:可口可乐第一次登陆中国市场时,这种软饮料的名字被译成“蝌蚪啃蜡”。Almost all of us have heard about General Motors trying to sell their Nova model in Latin America and finding out that no va in Spanish literally means it doesnt go. And of course, there was the famous first try of Coca Cola in China, when the translation of the soft drink s name read bite the wax tadpole.2 但是市场营销中的文化意识却远远不只是小心谨慎的翻译而已。每一种文化都有它的微妙和特别之处,同时还有一些直白的忌讳。虽然大多数人都无法详尽地罗列出他们自己文化中的条条框框,但他们却肯定知道什么时候人们违背了他们的文化传统。对我们来说,自己所属的文化往往是看不见的,但是,当我们身处异地时,我们碰到的文化差异却令我们感到古怪、有趣或奇特。因此,要辨明另一国家不成文的规定到底有多么困难呢? But cultural awareness in marketing is a lot more than careful translation. There are subtleties and nuances to every culture, and there are just plain taboos. Although most people wouldnt be able to list the rules of their own culture, they certainly kwon when those rules are violated. Our own culture tends to be invisible to us, while differences we run into when abroad strike as strange, funny or exotic. So how much more difficult is it to discern the unwritten rules of another country?3 看来,去目标市场进行调查仍然是不二之选了。当你身处异国他乡时,你就肯定会留意到审美观的差异。在那里,到底哪些味道或颜色更容易吸引购买者?你觉得很难吃的东西或很艳俗的装饰品对当地人来说就完全是另一回事。主人可能会问客人一些看似不礼貌的间题,如“你多大啦?”或“你赚多少钱啊?”饮食、日程表、交通、个人便利等等都不能想当然。即便是购买最普通的物品,你也可以讨价还价。你没弄清楚所有的硬币,你也不懂任何人名字的含意。总之,一切都与在国内时不一样。There is still no substitutes for a visit to the target market. When in a foreign place, youll undoubtedly become aware of different aesthetics. What flavors, which colors, are used to attract buyers there? Foods you find unpalatable and decorations you find garish have completely different effects on the natives. Your hosts might ask seemingly rude questions such as How old are you ? and How


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