基于web的在线问卷调查系统的设计与实现(The survey system based on web design).doc

基于web的在线问卷调查系统的设计与实现(The survey system based on web design).doc

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基于web的在线问卷调查系统的设计与实现 摘 要 随着社会不断进步和发展,生活节奏不断加快,信息已经成为我们生活中不可缺少的一部分。问卷调查系统,针对于网络用户进行问卷调查。实现对问卷信息的管理,提供更加简单,方便的操作平台,对相关信息进行网上调查。 一方面,用户可以通过注册用户,进行问卷搜索、添加、填写、修改密码等操作。另一方面管理员管理模块主要包括:问卷管理、注册用户管理、系统管理,质量控制和数据统计。本系统是基于JSP技术,并使用SQL server 2000来实现对信息管理的功能,目前已经成功运用到此系统中。 本系统的目的是建立一个高效的平台,采用简洁高效的JSP技术与SQL server 2000数据库等技术,设计和开发了这一问卷调查系统。该系统主要实现了问卷信息管理、用户信息管理、系统管理等后台模块,同时和前台模块浏览、设置,信息查询、查看信息等有机的结合起来,提高了管理效率。通过科学全面的测试,系统实现了信息设置、问卷信息统计查询、显示问卷最新信息等功能。本系统可以根据实际应用的具体情况,适当加以修改,以便更好应用。本系统操作简单,灵活性好,系统安全性高,运行稳定。 关键词:问卷调查 在线问卷 网上调查 The survey system based on web design Abstract Along with the social progress and development, the pace of life is accelerating and information have become the indispensable part in life. We based on the questionnaire survey, and on the basis of making this system can operate on the web site. Realization of customer, property management information system, provide more simple, convenient operation platform, and design a residential property internal management platform. On the one hand, the user can through the registered user, carried on the questionnaire search, design, issuing, collection and cipher amending operation. On the other hand administrator management module mainly include: questionnaire management, registered user management, system management, data, add, modify and delete. This system is based on JSP technology, and use SQL server 2000 to realize the function of information management, has been successfully applied to the system. The purpose of this system is to establish an effective platform, using concise efficient JSP technology and SQL server 2000 database techniques, design and develop the survey system. This system mainly realizes the questionnaire information management, customer information management, system management, at the same time and receptionists back end module browsing, setting, information query, check information such as organic combine and improve the management efficiency. Through scientific comprehensive te


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