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运动生物力学是运动学和生物力学整合而成的一门学科,是描写,分析,评估,人体运动时,身体的内在力量与外在力量,以及这些力量造成影响的科学 Sport biomechanics is composed of kinematics and Kinesiology of integration,when Human motion, description, analysis, evaluation, inner power and external power of the body, and reaserch the effect of these forces 运动生物力学的应用与发展 找寻各种运动的最佳技术 探究肌肉骨骼系統的最佳用力方式 : 槓桿原理、力學特性、 協調。 運動器材方面的研究 : 增進成績、預防傷害 生物力學儀器的發展 : Application and development of Sports Biomechanics 1, the best technology to find a variety of movement 2, explore the musculoskeletal system best hard way: the lever principle, mechanical properties, coordination. 3, research on sports equipment aspects: enhance the performance, injury prevention 4, the development of biomechanics instrument Usually we use Kinematic parameter to study 运动生物力学常用運動學參數( Kinematic parameter) 時間(Time) 位移(Displacement) 速度(Velocity) V=?x /?t 加速度(Acceleration) a=?V /?t 討探力與運動之間關係的研究 牛頓第二運動定律 F = ma 衝量動量等式定律 F? t = m? V Study on the relationship between force and motion of the discussion Newtons second law, F = ma impulse equation F? t = m? V 等于 Equal to 乘以Multiplied by 除以Divided by 在运动中我们常使用的力学包括,平衡。力矩。杠杆 Usually,when we exercise,we used balance. moment of force. Lever 人體站立時重心在第二薦椎前方一吋處 The body is standing,center of gravity in front of of sacrum second inches 稳定角 是重心垂直投影线和重心至支撑面边缘相应点的连线间的夹角。 稳定角是影响人体平衡稳定性的力学因素。某方向上的稳定角越大,人体在该方向上的稳定程度越大 Stable angle - is the angle between the center of gravity vertical projection line and the support surface edge - stable angle is the mechanical factors affecting the balance of human body stability. A stability angle is big, in the direction of the more stable degree of human body 影响平衡的因素 ◎重心在支撐基底面內 ◎基底面大小 ◎重量 ◎重心高度 : 重心愈靠近基底,愈穩定。 ◎迴旋 : 向前迴旋運動,增加物體穩定性。 Factors affecting balance The center of gravity in the support within the basal plane The basal surface size The weight The center of gravity height: closer to the basal surface, more stable. The cyclotron: forward cyclotron motion, increase the stability 力矩原理之應用 肌拉力与拉力臂的乘积为肌力矩;阻力与阻


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