新编英语教程6 U2 the fine art of putting things off.doc

新编英语教程6 U2 the fine art of putting things off.doc

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新编英语教程6 U2 the fine art of putting things off

The Fine Art of Putting Things Off March 15, 2010 About the title The best skill or method of delaying things. Art (here) —skill or method 拖延(v) (拖延(n) (拖延者 delay ( delay ( delayer; postpone ( postponement ( postponer; procrastinate ( procrastination ( procrastinator; put off Proverbs about time: “Procrastination is the thief of time.” 拖延就是浪费时间。 “Never put off tomorrow what may be done today.” 今日事,今日毕。 Putting things off is the waste of time. Just do what you should do as quickly as possible. Consolation is the thief of time Constant enjoyment is the waste of time. Song of tomorrow by Qian Hetan Tomorrow upon tomorrow, So many tomorrows have gone! If we only eye on tomorrow, Nothing in the world can be done! People are cumbered by tomorrow, As seasons alternate, old they grow. In mornings, we see rivers eastward flow. At nightfalls, we see sunsets westward glow. This life, how many tomorrows do you know? Please listen to my Song of Tomorrow. 明日歌 明日复明日, 明日何其多。 我生待明日, 万事成蹉跎。 世人若被明日累, 春去秋来老将至。 朝看水东流, 暮看日西坠。 百年明日能几何? 请君听我《明日歌》! ——清?¤钱鹤滩 (1461—1504) Song of today Today again today, how much will be for today. Doing nothing today, when will you do then? How many todays in a life? What a pity doing nothing today! Dont wait for tomorrow, things must be done in each day. Lets sing the song of today and do matters from today! 《今日诗》 今日复今日, 今日何其少! 今日又不为, 此事何时了! 人生百年几今日, 今日不为真可惜! 若言姑待明朝至, 明朝又有明朝事。 为君聊赋今日诗, 努力请从今日始。 ——明?¤文嘉 《昨日谣》 昨日兮昨日, 昨日何其好! 昨日过去了, 今日徒烦恼。 世人但知悔昨日, 不觉今日又过了。 水去汩汩(gugu)流, 花落日日少。 万事立业在今日, 莫待明朝悔今朝! Dictionary work 1. cool one’s heels: be forced to wait; be kept waiting 2. attest to: (v.) testify to; serve as an evidence to affirm/ to be proof of 证实, 证明 3. apocalyptic: (adj.) foreboding imminent disaster or final doom 预示灾难或最后毁灭的 4. proconsul: (n.) an administrator in a colony usually with wide powers 地方总督 5. ruminate: (v.) go over in the mind repeatedly and often slowly 反刍, 沉思 6. nattering: (adj.) chattering;


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