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分类号 密级 U D C 编号 本科毕业论文(设计) 题目 浅谈现场施工管理 系 别 继续教育学院 专 业 名 称 工程管理 年 级 2009级 学 生 姓 名 苏明 学 号 017610112185 指 导 教 师 邓三斌 二0一二年十月 摘要:建筑工程体积庞大、结构复杂、工种工作繁多,需要立体交叉作业,组织平行流水施工,生产周期长,需要原材料多,工程能否顺利进行受环境影响很大。施工现场管理就是通过对施工现场中的质量、安全防护、安全用电、机械设备、技术、消防保卫、卫生、环保和材料等各个方面的管理,创造良好的施工环境和施工持续。对于施工现场的成立,我们必须健全管理组织,健全管理制度,健全管理资料,积极推广应用新的技术、新工艺、新设备和现代化管理方法。我们必须要求对生产、技术、质量、安全、消防、保卫和行政卫生等管理实行文明施工管理目前工程建设市场是竞争极其激烈的市场,如何求生存、求发展是摆在每个施工建设企业面前的一个重要课题。 Abstract:Construction engineering huge complicated structure type of work, need stereoscopic cross homework, organization parallel flow construction, the production cycle is long, the need of raw materials, engineering can be smoothly by environmental impact large construction site management is based on the quality of the construction site safety protection safety power machinery equipment technology fire protect health environmental protection and material, and other aspects of the management, to create a good environment for the construction and construction for the establishment of the construction site, we must improve the management organization, a sound management system, a sound management material, positive popularization and application of new technology and new process, new equipment and modern management methods. Must the requirements of production, technology, quality, safety, fire protection, defend and administrative health management practice civilization construction management at present engineering construction market is highly competitive market, how to survival and development is in every construction enterprise an important problem in front of. Strengthen the construction site management is the objective requirement of the modernization construction itself, is the enterprise shows its overall strength demand, but also to cultivate a underst



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