必修二unit3 computers单词详解.doc

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Book 2 Unit 3 Computers ●analytical adj. 分析的 e.g. She has a clear analytical mind. 她头脑清晰,善于分析。 analyse vt. 分析 e.g. How do you analyse our weaknesses? 那你怎么分析我们的劣势呢? ●calculate vt. 计算 e.g. Elevators already calculate the total weight in the car. 现在的电梯已能计算轿厢内的总重量。 be calculated to do sth. 打算或计划做某事 e.g. This advertisement is calculated to appeal to children. 这个广告是针对儿童设计的。 calculate on sth/doing sth. 指望或依靠某事物 e.g. We cant calculate on (having) good weather for the barbecue. 我们不能指望着(有)好天气才去烧烤. calculating adj. 精明的,会算计的 calculation n.计算;估算;计划 The loss has not yet been ____ accurately, but it is believed to be well beyond a hundred million dollars. A. calculated B. consider C. completed D. controlled ●universal adj. 普遍的;通用的;宇宙的 e.g. Overpopulation is a universal problem. 人口过多是全球性的问题。 universe n. 宇宙 ●simplify vt. 简化 e.g. Simplify the instructions so that children can understand them. 简化指示便于儿童理解。 simple adj. 简单的 simply adv. 简单地 ●sum n. 总数;金额 vt. vi.总计;总结 e.g. He was fined the sum of 200. 他被处以200英镑罚金。 in sum 总而言之 e.g. In sum, the plan failed. 总之,计划告吹了。 sum sth. up 概括 e.g. Now sum your ideas up in a few words. 现在把你的观点用几句话来概括一下。 sum up =add up 总结;合计 ●operator n. 操作员 operate vt. vi.运转;操作;经营 vi.(对…)动手术 operate on 给…做手术;产生作用 You brought me here to operate on you. 你带我来这里给你做手术。 n.革命者,革新者artificial intelligence 人工智能 ●intelligence quality (IQ) 智商 ●solve vt. 解决 solvable adj.可解决的 solution n. 解决;解答 ●mathematical adj. 数学的 math=maths=mathematics 数学 ●from…on 从……时起 e.g. from then on 从那时起 from now on 从现在起 ●reality n. 事实 e.g. The plan will soon become a reality. 这计划不久就要化为现实。 in reality 事实上,实际上 e.g. The house looks very old, but in reality its quite new. 这房子看起来很旧,实际上很新。 real adj. 真实的 really adv.真正;实际上£200,000. 该公司的利润总额达200000英镑。 in total 总共 e.g. That will cost you £7.50 in total. 你总共要花7.50英镑。 totally adv. 完全地 e.g. Im a


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