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20T5年9月 机 床 与 液 压 Sep . 2015 第 43 卷第 T7 期 M A C H I N E T O O L 3 H Y D R A U L I C S Yol . 43 No . 17 D O I : 10. 3969/j. issn. 1001-3881. 2015. 17. 039 单泵驱动双液压马达系统的仿真分析 李 志 刚 弓 海 霞 2 ! 张 印 桐 屈 慧 刚 2 ! 姜 瑛 王 立 权 2 (1.海洋石油工程股份有限公司,天津 300461$ 2.哈尔滨工程大学机电工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150001) 摘要:液压系统实际工作时会用一个液压菜同时给两个液压马达供油, 如果两个液压马达工作时所受到的负载力不 同, 即系统压力不同时, 液压油液会优先流经压力较小的马达, 造成马达转速不能满足设计要求。 为了解决这一问题, 分 别在两个马达支路上各安装一个调速阀, 调速阀由定差减压阀和节流阀串联组成, 按照仿真数值调整调速阀参数从而解决 由于节流口的压力变化而引起的流量变化, 即实现负载力的变化不影响调速阀的工作性能。 最后通过仿真软件A M E S i 对 该液压系统进行了建模仿真分析, 验证液压系统参数变化与液压回路设计的合理性。 关键词:单菜液压系统;液压马达;调速阀;仿真 中图分类号:TH 46 文献标志码:A 文章编号! T00卜388T (20T5) T7-T57-3 Simulation Analysis of Single Pump Driving Double Hydraulic Motors System LI Zhi/an/1,G O N G H a i x i a 2,Z H A N G Yinto /1,Q U H u i /an/2,J I A N G Y i n /1,W A N G L i q u a n 2 (1. Offsliore Oil Engineerin/ C o .,Ltd.,Tianjin 300461, China ; 2. School of Mechatronics E n /ineerin/,Harbin En /ineerin/ University,Harbin Heilon/ ian/ 150001,China ) Abstract: On some hydraulic pressure system applications in practice, sin/le hydraulic pump drives time. If load torque of the two hydraulic motors in workin/ was different, that was at the time of different would flowto the motor with the lower pressure in priority, causin/ rotational speed unable to meet desi/n requirement. In order to solve this problem, a hydraulic proportional flo w control valve was installed on each branch circuit of the double motors. The flo w control vvlve was composed of connectin/ in series of throttle vvlve and relief valve of fixed difference. The parameters of the flow control vvlve were adjusted accordin/ to simulation values so as to solve flow cha


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