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66制作企业介绍册所用 Used in making enterprise introduction 封面: Cover 婴儿、成人、宠物纸尿裤专业生产厂商 Professional manufacturer in producing paper diapers for babies , adults and pets. 封底: Back Cover 大事记/(足迹有痕·勤修内功) chronicle of events (business experiences and internal improvement ) 侨资大事记 chronicle of events of Qiaozi 2001年8月:侨资纸业有限公司正式成立。 In August, 2001, Qiaozi Papermaking Incorporated Company was founded. 2003年11月:公司搬入新厂区(临安横溪开发区侨资一厂)。 In November, 2003 , the company was moved into, Qiaozi Yichang , a new factory area in Hengxi Development Zone , Lin’an. 2003年:和日本著名企业庄臣合作,正式进入日本市场。 In 2003, the company cooperated with Johnson, the famous Japanese enterprise and officially entered the Japanese market. 2004年:通过ISO9001-2000体系认证 In 2004 , the company passed the ISO9001-2000 certification system. 2004年:开发意大利客户,正式进入欧洲市场。 In 2004 , the company succeeded in exploiting Italian clients and entered the European market . 2005年:澳大利亚设立侨资纸业海外办事处,正式进入澳洲市场。 In 2005, oversea offices of Qiaozi Papermaking Company was established , and the company entered the Australian market. 2006年:引进国内首条成人失禁裤生产线并投入生产 In 2006, the company introduced the first domestic production line of adult incontinence pants and put into production. 2007年:被评为杭州市最具成长型企业称号 In 2007, the company was named the most growth-oriented enterprise in Hangzhou. 2008年3月:在日本东京成立侨资纸业控股公司-科艾德有限责任公司 In March, 2008 , Qiaozi Papermaking holding company , Koed limited liability company ,was established in Tokyo , Japan , 2008年10月:被授予杭州市出口名牌产品 In October , 2008, the products were rewarded as the brandname products to export. 2008年:正式成为全球最大尿裤品牌SCA的战略合作伙伴 In 2008 , the company became the ?strategic partner of SCA , the world's largest diaper brand. 2008年12月:可靠成人纸尿裤、酷特适婴儿纸尿裤、QQ乐宠物纸尿裤在中国国内市场成功上市销售 In December, 2008 , Kekao adult diaper, baby diaper of Quties, QQ Le pet diaper were successfully listed in the domestic market . 2008年12月:侨资纸业二厂5万平方米新厂房正式奠基动工建设。 In December ,2008 , the new factory of 50,000 square meters of QIaozi Papermaking Erchang starte


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