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A卷 I.Multiple Choice. (1.5%x20=30%) 1. Which of the following is the land area of Britain? B A. 9,600,000sq km B. 242,000 sq km C. 9,529,063 sq km D. 9,976,000 sq km Which of the following is not the capital city? B A.London B.Glasgow C.Cardiff D.Belfast 3.Which invasion laid the foundation for English nation to be formed? B A.Romans B. Anglo-Saxons C. Danes D. Normans General election in the UK is held every__C__ years. A.2 B.3 C. 5. D.6 5.Who wrote Pygmalion《皮格马利翁》(even better known today in its form as the musical My Fair Lady)? A A. George Bernard Shaw B. Christopher Marlowe C. William Shakespeare 6.Boston is situated in Boston Bay, __B___. A. Maine B. Massachusetts C. Connecticut 7.The ___B__ were the original inhabitants in America. A. blacks B. Indians C. Puerto Ricans 8.The following states are among the first thirteen colonies except __D___. A. Maryland B. South Carolina C. Delaware D. Colorado 9.The First Continental Congress was held in __A___ in September, 1774. A. Philadelphia B. Boston C. New York The American War of Independence started in __B___ and ended in _____. A. 1776, 1784 B. 1775, 1783 C. 1706, 1714 10. The Constitutional Convention was held in 1787 to revise __A___. A. The Articles of the Confederation B. Bill of Rights C. Civil Rights 11.The first ten amendments, known as __A___, were added to the Constitution in 1791. A. the Bill of Rights B. the Articles C. Civil Rights 12.The pamphlet “Common Sense” was written by ___B__. A. Thomas Edison B. Thomas Paine C. Thomas Jefferson 13.The greatest contribution made by President Thomas Jefferson was his ___C__. A. abolishing the Sedition Act B. reducing taxes C. purchasing Louisiana from France 14.The Second Anti-English War broke out in ___A__ and ended in _____. The U.S. won the war. A. 1812, 1814 B. 1813, 1815 C. 1814, 1816 15.American Judicial Branch is he


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