2014年职称英语考试 理工类 完形填空 15篇全 字典版 重点预测标注版 .pdfVIP

2014年职称英语考试 理工类 完形填空 15篇全 字典版 重点预测标注版 .pdf

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2014年职称英语考试 理工类 完形填空 15篇全 字典版 重点预测标注版

Composer 1 germson (理工类)14年完形填空 snow, often mixed with air and water, down a 第一篇 CaptainCookArrowLegend 库克船长 mountainside. Avalanches are (1) among the 箭传说 biggestdangersinthemountainsforbothlifeand It was a great legend while it lasted but property. , DNA testing has (1) finally ended a Allavalanchesarecausedbyanover-burden two-century-old story of the Hawaiian arrow of material, typically snowpack, that is too carvedfromthebone ofBritish explorerCaptain massive and unstable for the slope (2) that James Cook(2) who died in the Sandwich supports it. Determining the critical load, the Islands’in 1779. amount of over-burden which is (3)likely to “There is (3) no Cook in the Australian cause an avalanche, (4) is a complex task Museum ,’’museum collection manager Jude involvingtheevaluationofanumberoffactors. Philip saidnot longagoin announcingthe DNA Terrain slopes flatter than 25 degrees or evidencethatthearrowwasnotmade ofCook’S steeper than 60 degrees typically have a low bone.But that will not stop the museum from (5)risk of avalanche. Snow does not (6)gather continuing to display the arrow in its(4) significantlyonsteepslopes;also,snowdoesnot exhibition “Uncovered Treasures of the (7)flow easily on flat slopes. Human-triggered , : Australian Museum,” which(5) does include a avalancheshave the greatest incidence when the feather cape presented to Cook by Hawaiian snows angle of rest is (8)between 35 and 45 KingKalani’opu’uin 1778. degrees;thecriticalangle,theangleatwhichthe Cook was one of Britain’s great explorers human incidence of avalanches is greatest, is 38 and is credited with(6) discovering the“Great degrees.Therule ofth


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