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Recycled Fiber and Deinking(上)

Chapter Foreword Book 7Book 7 Recycled Fiber and DeinkingRecycled Fiber and Deinking Series editorsSeries editors Johan Gullichsen, Helsinki University of TechnologyJohan Gullichsen, Helsinki University of Technology Hannu Paulapuro, Helsinki University of TechnologyHannu Paulapuro, Helsinki University of Technology Book editorBook editor Lothar GLothar G鰐鰐tsching, Darmstadt University of Technologytsching, Darmstadt University of Technology Heikki Pakarinen, UPM-Kymmene OyHeikki Pakarinen, UPM-Kymmene Oy Series reviewerSeries reviewer Brian Attwood, St. Annes Paper and Paperboard Developments, LtdBrian Attwood, St. Annes Paper and Paperboard Developments, Ltd Book reviewerBook reviewer Peter Seifert, Thermo Black Clawson Inc.Peter Seifert, Thermo Black Clawson Inc. Published in cooperation with the Finnish Paper Engineers Association and TAPPIPublished in cooperation with the Finnish Paper Engineers Association and TAPPI ForewordForeword Johan Gullichsen and Hannu PaulapuroJohan Gullichsen and Hannu Paulapuro PAPERMAKING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYPAPERMAKING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Papermaking is a vast, multidisciplinary technology that has expanded tremendously in recentPapermaking is a vast, multidisciplinary technology that has expanded tremendously in recent years. Significant advances have been made in all areas of papermaking, including rawyears. Significant advances have been made in all areas of papermaking, including raw materials, production technology, process control and end products. The complexity of thematerials, production technology, process control and end products. The complexity of the processes, the scale of operation and production speeds leave little room for error or cesses, the scale of operation and production speeds leave little room for error or malfunction. Modern papermaking would not be possible without a proper command of a great variety ofModern papermaking would not be possible without a proper command of a gr


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