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中华放射医学与防护杂志2015年1月第35卷第1期  Chin J Radiol Med Prot,January2015,Vol. 35,No. 1 ·69 · ·放射卫生· 核医学诊断工作场所辐射水平 及防护现状调查 梁婧  张震  练德幸  张奇  朱卫国  张庆召  侯长松 【摘要】  目的  对我国核医学诊断工作场所辐射防护现状进行调查。 方法  2013年2—12月 期间,在东北、华中和华北地区分别选择1家三甲医院,用γ剂量率仪巡测核医学诊断制药、淋洗、分 装、注射、扫描过程中工作场所周围剂量当量率,光致发光剂量计测量放射工作人员个人有效剂量 和当量剂量。 结果  在放射性药物分装、注射和受检者摆位等操作环节中周围剂量当量率较高,分 装时最高达192 mSv/ h,注射时距针管5 cm处剂量率最高达12 mSv/ h,受检者体表30 cm处剂量 率范围为536~240 μSv/ h,某医院护士手部当量剂量为001~002 mGy,部分工作场所存在人员 路线交叉及注射后受检者停留在公众区域的现象。 结论  核医学实践中放射工作人员应加强个人 防护,提高操作熟练程度以缩短作业时间,应优化放射工作人员出入路线,加强注射后受检者的管 理,以免公众人员受到不必要的照射。 【关键词】  核医学诊断;  辐射防护;  周围剂量当量率;  当量剂量 The investigation on radiation level and radiation protection in nuclear medicine diagnosis workplace  Liang Jing,Zhang Zhen,Lian Dexing,Zhang Qi,Zhu Weiguo,Zhang Qingzhao,Hou Changsong. Key Laboratory of Radiological Protection and Nuclear Emergency, China CDC, National Institute for Radiological Protection, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100088,China Corresponding author:Hou Changsong,Email:houchangsong@nirp.cn 【Abstract】  Objective  To investigate the current situation of radiation protection in nuclear medicine diagnosisworkplace. Methods   The study wasperformed in3 hospitals in northeast,north and central of Chinafrom February to December in 2013. The γ dose rate instrument was used to detect the workplace ambientdoseequivalentrateof medicinepreparation,leaching,packing,injectionandimaging. Individual effective dose and equivalent dosewere evaluatedby photoluminescent dosimeter. Results  The ambient dose equivalent ratewas up to 192 mSv/ h at repacking place and 12 mSv/ h at injection place. The ambient dose equivalent rate of patients after injection was 536 -240 μSv/ h. The hand equivalent dose was 001 -002 mGy. Moreover,there were problems of staff route intersection, as well as the patients after



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