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每天,我要带着强烈的使命感来到学校 Jane Goodall, who intended to work with animals in their own environment since her childhood, went to Africa and devote herself to study the behaviour of chimps. It was tough and she considered it as a worthwhile career. Through her study, we learned much more with chimps. She argued that the life of these animals should be respected and they should be leaving in the wild and not used for entertain. Besides, she was very considerate of these animals. Now, she has achieved everything what she wanted to do, that inspired those who want to cheer the acievement of women. Hans,_______________________(一个有成就的人), has devoted all his life to homeless children _______________(他的行为)has won respect of all.Recently,Hans was asked to deliver a speech on the graduation in HIV in Harvard University,_____________(在那儿他说), “ Caring for children is an ordinary job, _____(这份工作),however,___________________________(不应该被歧视). Whatever you do,_________(一旦开始), it _________________(必须坚持) . _______(否则), you will never achieve anything. _____________ (只有在你老的时候), looking back and saying that you have tried your best,________(你才会) be content with your life. * _______By Fan Guiying 我要带着巨大的责任感走进教室 我要带着深深的感恩聆听老师的教诲 我要带着无限的激情投入到学习当中 Ill go to school with a strong sense of mission, Ill enter classroom with a burning sense of responsibility, Ill listen to my teachers with a deep sense of appreciation, Ill do my homework with an unlimited sense of enthusiasm。 按Esc键退出 返回目录 1._______v.遮挡→_______n.阴凉处 2.__________ n.紧急情况→_________ adj.紧急的 3.________v.取的,实现→ ___________ n.成绩,成就 4._________ n.连接,关系→________ v.联系 shade shade emergency emergent achieve achievement connection connect 5.______ vi.鼓舞,启发→ __________??n.灵感,鼓舞 6._____ v.提到,参考,查阅→_________n.查阅,参考 inspiration refer reference 7._______ vi.考虑,体谅→_________??n.考虑周到的 8._____ n.人群→______ v.挤满→_______拥挤的 9.______ vi.争论,辩论→ _________??n.争论,论据 10.______v.举动,表现→_________n.行为,举止 consider considerate crowd inspire crowd


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