Cultural Geography英美概况——美国人文地理.ppt

Cultural Geography英美概况——美国人文地理.ppt

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Cultural Geography英美概况——美国人文地理

Cultural Geography The Northeast The South You should focus on Urbanization Industrialization Agricultural Resource Environment impact Education The Northeast the profile about it This area was the one of the two earliest settlements by British colonist. There are 8 states in this area. This area is known it’s the leader place in the USA. It plays an important role in American history. New England “纽英仑”,lay to the northeast part of American, border on the Atlantic Ocean Include: Maine、New Hampshire、Vermont、Massachusetts、Rhode Island、Connecticut Metropolis: Boston 二十世纪中,新英格兰绝大多数的传统工业都转移到劳动力成本更低廉的美国其它州或是海外。在波士顿外围和128号环状高速公路以内,很多新兴高科技产业渐渐兴起,继续推动本地经济。这些产业主要有:生物技术、教育、高科技、金融服务、旅游和制药。    Maine Metropolis: Augusta the Pine Tree State The 23d State joined the United States in 1820 Agriculture: on the costal area, especially potato; fishing, famous for its lobster; forestry Industry shipbuilding Tourism Maine Vermont Short for VT , 青山州 flower: Red Clover ;Bird:Hermit Thrush ;tree:Sugar Maple ; motto:Freedom and Unity metropolis: Montpelier Vermont The 14th state joined the United States Forestry :forest product , maple syrup Farming :dairy products Minerals: marble; graphite Tourism: skiing Massachusetts Old Colon , Bay State Metropolis: Boston farming: dairy product、vegetable, tobacco、beef、pig、fish mineral:marble flower: Mayflower; bird: Chickadee; tree: American elm Motto: By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty Massachusetts New York Metropolis: Albany The Employ State Agriculture: milk, beef, watermelon; cherry; bear; maple syrup; apple; wheat ; sweet corn Mineral : lead, zinc, iron ,sliver The lead place of most of areas in the USA New York city The largest city The greatest number of population The center of finance and commerce Have a great influence on media, politics, education, entertainments and fashion around the world The headquarters of the United Nations Time square 大中央车站 纽约夜景 Statue of Liberty “Give me



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