Encyclopedia Biblica Vol 2 Israel英文电子书.pdf

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ISLE, ISLAND ISRAEL KITTIM’(Jer. 210, Ezek. 2 7 6 ) ; Phcenicia, too, and v+~ous), and ‘island’ in Job2230 (AV) are corrupt. Caphtor are ‘isles,’ according to EV of Is. 232, and On ‘wild beasts of the islands ’ see JACKAL (4). RVmg. of Jer. 47 4. This rendering is defensible in the T. K.C. passage in Jer. (if CAPHTOR [p.v.] be Crete), but not in ISMACHIAH ($il:?up!, ‘Yahwi: sustains,’ zg that in Is. The occurrence of ?n: 3 ; ~ in Is. 1111 (6 44 ; cp SEMACHIAH), a Levite, temp. Hezekiah; is arbitrary) is a subsidiary argument for making this 2 Ch. 3113f (ca~ax[s]ia[BAL], L adds uexwtas and verse and its context post-exilic. The writers of the Pro- BaLuwv). phecy of Restoration (Is. 40-55, see ISAIAH ii., s 1 6 8 ) ISMAEL ( ICMAHA [BWaAL]). I. Judith 2 23 appeal to the ‘islands ’ or ‘far lands ‘ to interest them- (MAHK [H”]),RV ISHMAEL [4.v.]. 2. I Esd. 9 zz selves in the successes of Cyrus and the rescue of the ( I C M A H ~ O C [BAI). See ISHMAEL(6). Jews. They even say that the ‘far lands wait’ (longingly) for Yahwb and for the teaching of his ISMAERUS ( I C M ~ H ~ O[A]),C I Esd. 934 RV=Ezra 1034, AMRAM,2. servant (Is. 4 2 4 51 5 ; cp Ps. 971). Very different language is used by a later prophet (Is. 59 IS), who ISMAIAII (?l:Vpp,),I Ch. 1 2 4 , RV ISHMAIAH( q . ~ ) . evidently belonged to a period of disill



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