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China Customs * China Customs 中国海关AEO制度介绍 AEO System of China Customs June,2011 LIU, Yang * China Customs 目录 CONTENTS 1.新《企业分类管理办法》实施以来中国海关AEO制度概述 1.An overview of AEO System in China Customs after the Amended MCME come into force 2. 《企业分类管理办法》主要变化回顾 2. A review of the main changes of MCME 3. 2011年中欧海关AEO互认工作组会议欧方所提问题解答 3.Questions from the 1st meeting of EU-CN customs AEO MR working group * China Customs 综述 OVERVIEW AEO适用范围 Scope of AEO 在海关注册登记的进出口货物收发货人、报关企业 Consignees and consigners of imports and exports and agent declaration enterprises that are registered with Customs 在海关登记的加工企业,按照进出口货物收发货人实施分类管理。 Enterprises engaging in processing trade registered with Customs 以后还将扩大到运输企业、仓储企业和其他在海关注册的企业 In the near future, the AEO will expand to carriers, warehouse operators that are registered with customs * China Customs 综述 OVERVIEW AEO的分类 Types of AEO 进出口货物收发货人AEO AEO of consignees and consigners of imports and exports 报关企业AEO AEO of agent declaration enterprises * China Customs 综述 OVERVIEW AEO数量更新 AEO Number Updating 自2011年1月1日新《企业分类管理办法》实施以来,截止2011年4月底,共受理申请约174份,已批准AA类3家。95%以上为进出口货物收发货人。 AA类企业总数已达1779家。 From Jan 1st, 2011 to May 1st, We received 174 applications, 3 were approved, 21 denied, others are still in processing. Over 95% of them are consignees and consigners of imports and exports. The total number of AA class reached to 1779 in this April. * China Customs 管理原则 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT 1.差别管理 Different management measures for different categories 2.统一性 Uniformity 全国海关实行统一的企业分类标准、程序和管理措施 Customs across the country apply uniform enterprise classification standards, procedures and management measures. 3.关企合作 Cooperation 海关与企业应当加强合作,开展经常性信息交流和业务联系。 Customs and the enterprises would strengthen cooperation, conduct regular information exchanges and keep operational contacts 综述 OVERVIEW * China Customs 综述 OVERVIEW 管理权限 RESPONSIBILITY 海关总署--对企业分类管理工作进行指导、监督; The General Ad


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