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基于单片机的GPS导航装置的设计 摘 要 GPS是英文Global Positioning System(全球定位系统)的简称。GPS技术在军事、通讯、勘探、气象、导航、大地测量等众多学科领域得到了极其广泛的应用,推动了科学技术的飞速发展,也丰富了人们的科学文化生活。因其具有性能好、精度高、应用广的特点,作为先进的测量手段和新的生产力,已经融入到了国民经济建设国防建设和社会发展的各个应用领域。 本次设计采用GPS模块(M-87),基于单片机STC89C52来实现GPS定位信息显示系统。本设计详细介绍了一种成本低廉,操作简单的经济型GPS定位系统的设计方案。本方案基于STC89C52单片机,LOLUX M-87,12864液晶显示屏等硬件,应用C语言进行编程,可以完成GPS信息的提取,显示时间、经度、纬度等信息。分别从硬件设计和软件设计等方面对其做了详细的阐述,并结合硬件的特点研究了STC89C52单片机如何与GPS接收模块实现串行通信,该系统是根据GPS模块数据输出基本原理设计而成的。这种设计精度高、体积小、携带方便,可以实现全天候实时定位导航。 关键词:GPS,单片机,LOLUX M-87,12864液晶屏 Design of GPS positioning system based on single-chip computer ABSTRACT GPS is Global Positioning System in English. GPS technology has obtained extremely widespread application in military, communications, exploration, weather, navigation, geodesy, and many other fields. It promots a rapid development of science and technology and has enriched peoples scientific and cultural life. It has good performance, high precision, wide application characteristics. As advanced measuring method and the new productive forces, it has been integrated into the national economic construction of national defense construction and social development in various application fields. This design uses the GPS module (M-87) to realize the GPS positioning information display system which is based on the micro-controllerSTC89C52. This design detailedly introduces a kind of low cost, simple operation, economical GPS positioning system design scheme. This scheme bases on STC89C52 , LOLUX M-87, 12864 LCD screen and other hardware, and apply C language to programme. It can complete the GPS information extraction and display information such as time, longitude, and latitude. Respectively from the hardware design and software design, it has given a detailed elaboration. It combines the characteristics of the hardware to study how STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer implements serial communication with GPS receiving module. The system is designed based on the basic principle of GPS module d


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