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绝缘击穿理论在电缆附件安装中的应用 王晓敏 常文平 王晓溪 新乡供电公司 河南工学院 河南省特种电缆绝缘工程技术研究中心 X 关注成功! 加关注后您将方便地在 我的关注中得到本文献的被引频次变化的通知! 新浪微博 腾讯微博 人人网 开心网 豆瓣网 网易微博 摘????要: 在电缆运行中, 电缆附件的故障居高不下, 电缆附件的安装质量对电网的安全运行有着十分重要的影响。基于绝缘击穿的机理, 结合多个电压等级的电缆附件故障现象, 从电缆附件的现场施工环境、运行条件、绝缘护套的剥削、半导电层的处理、电缆本体和预制应力锥之间界面压力不足等方面入手, 分析造成绝缘加速老化直至引起绝缘击穿的原因, 有针对性地提出加强施工人员的教育, 提高电缆附件安装工艺水平, 以及建立质量跟踪体系等措施, 全面提高电缆附件的安装质量, 为电网的安全运行提供指导。 关键词: 绝缘击穿; 电缆附件; 故障分析; 安装; 预防措施; 作者简介:王晓敏 (1970—) , 女, 河南新乡人, 高级工程师, 1993年毕业于郑州大学, 现从事电网安全运行与施工工作。 收稿日期:2017-07-05 Application of insulation breakdown theory in cable accessories installation Wang Xiaomin Chang Wenping Wang Xiaoxi Xinxiang Power Supply Company; Henan Institute of Technology; Abstract: In cable operation, the fault of cable accessories was very high, and the installation quality of cable accessories was important to the safe operation of the power grid.Based on the mechanism of insulation breakdown, combined with the fault phenomenon of cable accessories in multiple voltage grades, from cable accessories site construction environment, the operating condition, the exploitation of the insulating sheath, semiconductor layer processing, cable between ontology and precast stress cone interface pressure was insufficient and so on aspects, analyzes the accelerated ageing of the insulation until the cause of insulation breakdown, targeted put forward to strengthen the education of construction personnel, improve the level of cable accessories installation process, and to establish quality tracking system, comprehensively improve the quality of the installation of cable accessories, to provide guidance to the safe operation of power grid. Keyword: insulation breakdown; cable accessories; failure analysis; installation; preventive measures; Received: 2017-07-05 引用格式:王晓敏, 常文平, 王晓溪.绝缘击穿理论在电缆附件安装中的应用[J].能源与环保, 2017, 39 (11) :292-294, 298. Wang Xiaomin, Chang Wenping, Wang Xiaoxi.Application of insulation breakdown theory in cable accessories installation[J].China Energy and Envir


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