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一种预测土壤中烟草黑胫病发病潜力的方法 方敦煌 肖炳光 童治军 曾建敏 云南省烟草农业科学研究院 X 关注成功! 加关注后您将方便地在 我的关注中得到本文献的被引频次变化的通知! 新浪微博 腾讯微博 人人网 开心网 豆瓣网 网易微博 摘????要: 【目的】了解土壤带菌量、预测土壤黑胫病发病潜力, 可为病害的精准防控、田间病圃的高效选择、不同抗性品种的科学布局提供依据。【方法】采用土壤稀释平板计数法、土壤假植病害调查2种方法预测土壤中烟草黑胫病的发病潜力, 田间病害系统调查验证。【结果】土壤带菌量与病害的发生率密切相关, 病原菌含量越高, 发病越重、蔓延越快;随着时间的推移, 初始发病率高, 最终病害发生越严重, 最终发病率是初始发病率的1020倍;土壤带菌普遍存在, 在所采集的土壤中均可分离获得, 病原菌含量积累到一定程度就引发病害, 1000个/g土壤带菌量为病害经济阈值, 35次的假植病害调查可以准确地预测土壤烟草黑胫病的发病潜力。【结论】1000个/g土壤带菌量为烟草黑胫病的经济阈值, 据此可以对土壤的病菌进行预警;假植病害调查可以准确地预测土壤烟草黑胫病的发病潜力, 表明建立在环境—寄主—病原三角关系的假植预测病害方法是一种相对准确、低成本、简便易推广的病害预测方法。 关键词: 烟草疫霉; 土壤稀释平板计数法; 土壤假植; 病害调查; 病害预测; 作者简介:方敦煌 (1967-) , 男, 副研究员, 博士, 主要从事烟草病害及其防治研究, E-mail:fdhkm@。 收稿日期:2016-03-17 基金:中国烟草总公司科技计划项目 (110201301006、2014TBB01、110201601027) ;中国烟草总公司云南省公司科技计划项目 (2012YN05、2013YN01、2016YN23) Method of Forecasting Tobacco Black Shank Disease in Soil FANG Dun-huang XIAO Bing-guang TONG Zhi-jun ZENG Jian-min Yunnan Academy of Tobacco Agricultural Sciences; Abstract: 【Objective】Forecast of tobacco black shank was studied in order to prevent and control of diseases accurately, select field disease nursery efficiently, and lay out different resistant varieties scientifically. 【Method】Disease potentiality of Phytophthora nicotiana in the soil was calculated by soil dilution plate counting method and soil planting disease investigation method, and field disease system was used to inverstigate and validate the disease of tobacco black shank used temporary planting indicator tobacco in the representative soil of the field.【Result】Quantification of Phytophthora nicotiana in the soil and the incidence of the disease were closely related, and the higher the density of the pathogen was, the more seriously the disease occurred and expanded. As the time went on, the higher initial incidence disease was, the more seriously the successor disease occurred. And the final disease incidence was 10-20 times as many as the initial incidence. Phytophthora nicotiana widely existed in the soil, and it was i


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