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Central BankⅠCentral BankFirst, I would like to introduce the names of the central banks in different countries in the world.Bank of Japan,(日本银行)Bank of Canada (加拿大银行)Bank of Mexico (墨西哥银行)Bank of France (法兰西银行)Bank of England(英格兰银行);People’s Bank of China中国人民银行Bank of America 是美洲银行,而不是美国的央行美国的央行是美国“联邦储备系统”简称“美联储”英文是“Federal Reserve System”, 简称“Fed” or FRS德国的央行为:“德意志联邦银行Bundesbank。下面让我们一起看一下英文中对各国“财政部”、“财政部长”、“和央行行长”的称呼的用词的不同。财政部: In Britain and America, they say “ the Treasury; the other countries say “ the Ministry of Finance”; 翻译成中文都是“财政部”,而不是“金融部”。财政部长:In Britain, it is called “ Chancellor of the Exchequer, 财政大臣;In the United States, it is called “ Treasury Secretary (secretary of treasury); the other countries say “ Finance Minister”.央行行长:Usually, in English, they say “governor”, because he has the responsibility to govern or regulate the other banks. 因为他有监管(govern or regulate)其他银行的职责,副行长是:deputy governor,而其他的银行的行长呢则称为:President.副行长是vice president.But, the States, this superpower always has his own characteristic美国的央行是多层次的“联邦储备系统”Fed has 12 districts in the States. 意思是美联储在全国分设12个储备区,每区设立一个“地区联邦储备银行”(regional Federal Reserve Bank)为该地区的央行,其下是会员银行(member banks).Federal Reserve (美联储)的最高决策机构是联邦储备委员会(Board of Directors), 委员会的成员叫董事(governor),注意他们不是央行的行长,行长一般由总统从中挑选,英文用chairman(主席)一词。那么在全国12个区的地区联邦储备银行其行长称为:president. 为了加深印象我们来看business week商业周刊上的两句话:1. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan is a conductor with a style all his own. 意思是美联储主席格林斯潘是一个独具风格的指挥。2.Greenspan and Dallas Fed President Robert D. McTeer Jr., are New Economy enthusiasts.格林斯潘和达拉斯储备银行行长罗伯特是崇尚新经济者。从上面的介绍,我们了解了中央银行在各个国家的名称,及各国对中中央银行行长、财政部及部长的用词,称呼。Ok, next let’s do some exercises to find out the functions of the central bank.Complete these sentences about Central Banks using the words in the box:Central Banks, such as the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve Board in the US, and the Bundesbank in Germany:1 function as banks for the government and for other banks. 政府的银行和其他银行的银行。2 implement monetary po


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