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Level 3 OutlinePrints in Landscape (1 unit per page)UnitWeekHourSB PageLeadingTeacherTeaching ObjectivesHomeworkWorkbookPagesAssessment Package PagesUnit 1 Every Day112-5FTUnit OpenerStoryTo talk about daily activities people do; To name times of day; to sing a songTo read unit language in context; To read for understanding and enjoyment; To read and draw conclusions2-42LTLesson1-3A private conversationBreakfast or lunch?Please send me a card23LTLesson4-6An exciting tripNo wrong numbersPercy Buttons46-9FTLanguage in Action/GrammarConnections: Science/Around the WorldTo talk about daily activities; To use unit language in context; To use correct stress, pronunciation and intonation/To use before and after to talk about dailyActivitiesTo read and talk about ways to stay clean and healthy; To understand the importance of staying clean; To read and understand a science text/To read and talk about time zones; To understand the concept of time zones; To complete a chart with times in different time zones5-93510-13FTValues in Action: Do your chores /Writing: Sentence: Subject and VerbReview: List. and Speaking/Vocabul ary and GrammarTo learn about the importance of doing chores,To make a chore chart/To identify subjects and verbs; To write complete sentencesOutcomes: Ss can talk about different times of day; Ss can understand when times make sense and when they do not/Outcomes: ss can say what they do at different times of day; Ss can talk about different times of day10-116LTLesson7-9Too late The best and the worst A cold welcome 47ReadingFT<Festival Fun>First Reading: Reading for Understanding and Enjoyment8Assessmentpackage(8-11)LTUnit Test Analysis + Speaking AssessmentStudents complete the Unit Test I ndividually. Pair review and grading, followed by overall teacher guided review.P6-7LeadingTeacherHomeworkUnitWeekHourSB PageTeaching ObjectivesWorkbookPagesAssessment Package Pages5914-17FTUnit OpenerStoryTo talk about occupations and workplaces; To sing a songTo read un


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