英语演讲Unit 12 Making Impromptu Speeches.pptVIP

英语演讲Unit 12 Making Impromptu Speeches.ppt

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Public Speaking Unit 12 Making Impromptu Speeches Tips & Warnings Avoid corny, unrelated jokes. They may throw off the audience, which makes you uneasy and put you off the topic. Feel free to say that you’ve only had a few moments to prepare. Do not apologize. Simply state the facts. What If You Draw a Blank? If you suddenly lose your train of thought or draw a complete blank, there are a few you can do to keep from panicking. 1. Pretend like you’re pausing on purpose. Walk back and forth slowly, as if you’re letting your last point sink in. 2. There is always a joker or popular person who will stand out in the crowd. Stare at someone like this and try to draw a response from him or her while you think. * * Being asked to speak publicly without any notice is enough to unnerve the most poised among us. At some point in your life you may be asked to speak without notice. There are a few things you can do to avoid panic and embarrassment. Unit 12 Making Impromptu Speeches 1. Take advantage of whatever notice is given, even if it’s only a few minutes, and prepare. Grab a piece of paper (cocktail napkin, the back of a business card) and make a few quick notes. Unit 12 Making Impromptu Speeches 2. Feel free to acknowledge that you have not prepared for a speech. Do this in a professional way! This should not be an attempt to garner pity, but rather a way to put yourself and your audience at ease. Unit 12 Making Impromptu Speeches 3. Jot down the main points of the topic. Relate them to the event or the audience. Remember that the speech is a monologue; tailor it to be personal without input from others. If you do nothing else, write down an introductory sentence and an ending sentence. Your ending line is particularly important. If you can walk away gracefully, your speech will be a success. Unit 12 Making Impromptu Speeches 4. Speak slowly and clearly while taking time to organize thoughts. Begin with an introduction that hints at the direction of the speech. Ch


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