超市常用表达及对话Shopping conversations and useful expressions.doc

超市常用表达及对话Shopping conversations and useful expressions.doc

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超市常用表达及对话Shopping conversations and useful expressions

I am sorry you are on the Cash Only Lane 我很抱歉你现在是在只收现金的道上。We have a clearance sale today. 我们今天清仓大拍卖。 Can you give me the invoice? 能不能给我一张发票? Great. Id love to have a lookThe cover of this book is damaged. Do you have any other copies? 这本书封面破了,请问就剩这一本了吗? Is that the only copy on the shelf? 架子上就只有这一本吗?Excuse me, do you have the newest Harry Potter novel here? 请问你们这儿有哈里波特的最新一部小说吗?Ill buy these two books. 我买这两本书。 Do you have a membership card? 请问您有会员卡吗? Would you like to purchase a computer? A desktop or notebook? 要买电脑吗?台式还是笔记本? Notebook. Which brand do you sell? 笔记本。你这边卖什么牌子的? Is there any discount on this laptop? 这个笔记本还能便宜点儿吗? Its already very cheap. Lets make it 6000 Yuan. Thats as cheap as it can get. 已经够便宜的了。这样吧,六千,不能再便宜了。How can I help you? 请问你想买点儿什么? Id like to buy a USB flash drive. 我想买个USB闪存。 How can I help you, sir? 你需要点儿什么,先生? I want to buy a digital video camera. 我想买个数码摄像机。 Excuse me, I want to buy a new phone. 你好,我要买个手机。 What kind did you have in mind? 想选个什么样的? Do you sell extra memory here? 你这儿卖内存吗? Can I help you, sir? 先生,想买点儿什么? I wanna have a look first…Could you show me this Need a magazine? 买杂志吗? Yeah. I wanna buy a fashion magazine. 嗯,我想买本时尚杂志。 Good afternoon. What can I do for you? 下午好。您需要点儿什么? Hello, I want to buy a pair of glasses. 你好,我想配副眼镜。 All right. What is your prescription, sir? 好的,您眼睛多少度? Good. How do you like these? 好啊,你觉得这副怎么样? Hi, do you guys make special order cakes? 嗨,你们这里可以定做蛋糕吗? We do. First, you should choose a cake you like, tell us what you want written on it, and then well see if its possible. 可以。首先,您先选个喜欢的蛋糕。然后告诉我们您想在上面写什么,我们看能不能写。 Dennis: Guess what, I bought a used TV yesterday.   丹尼斯:你猜怎么着,我昨天买了一个二手电视。   Erwin: How much did you pay for it?   欧文:多少钱?   Dennis: 800 bucks.   丹尼斯:800。   Erwin: 800 bucks for a piece of junk like that? That’s a rip-off!   欧文:800块钱买了个破电视?你被人宰了吧!   Dennis: What do you mean?   丹尼斯:什么意思?   Erwin: It’s not worth it.   欧文:不值那么多钱啊。   Dennis: Oh. I guess I really did get ripped off.


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