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14 2 第 卷 第 期 ( ) Vol. 14 ,No. 2 昆明理工大学学报 社会科学版 2014 4 年 月 Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology Apr. 2014 《 》 刑法 中的单位行贿罪研究 曾粤兴 ,孙本雄 ( , 650500) 昆明理工大学法学院 云南昆明 : 。 摘 要 单位行为是单位在其整体意志支配下实施 的为单位谋取利益 的行 为 单位行 贿 罪的犯罪 对 象包括非 国有单位 。针对不 同的犯罪对 象,单位行贿 罪的犯罪客体存在 差异 。应该根 据犯罪 对 象的性质 来区分行贿罪、单位行贿罪、对单位行贿罪。应该 比照行贿罪,对单位行贿罪规定不 同等级 的量刑 幅度 。 《 》 。 刑法 不应该对单位行贿罪规定优 惠政策 :《 》; ; ; ; 关键词 刑法 单位行为 单位行贿罪 实然考察 应然分析 中图分类号:D914. 392 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1671 - 1254 (2014)02 - 0041 - 06 On the Crime of Organizational Bribery in China ZENG Yue - xing ,SUN Ben - xiong (Faculty of Law ,Kunming University of Science and Technology ,Kunming 650500 ,Yunnan ,China) Abstract :The organization behavior is one that takes for the benefits of the organization implemented under the domination of its overall will. The behavioral object of the organizational bribery crime includes the non - state - owned units. Organizational bribery crimes vary according to different behavioral objects. We can distin- guish bribery ,organizational bribery ,bribing institution crime according to the nature of their behavioral ob- jects. We should stipulate the rational range of sentencing by comparing and contrasting organizational bribery crimes with ordinary briberies. The Criminal Law of China should deal with organizational bribery crime with no preferential polices. Key words :The Criminal Law of China ;organization behavior ;the crime of organizational briber


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