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本科毕业设计(论文) 中英文对照翻译 (此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意修改编辑!) 原文 THE D.I.Y. TOURIST Tullio; Antonella Abstract In this work we will be dealing with the figure of the D.I.Y. Tourist originated from the local development processes based on the “cottage tourist industry” concept. We will be doing this by using part of the results obtained through a research started more than three years ago, by which we are studying what happens in the territorial contexts where tourism develops mostly on a spontaneous basis, that is in the presence of a widespread and pervasive undetected tourism practiced through private accommodation and mostly self-managed. Keywords: spontaneous tourist context, D.I.Y. Tourist, sustainable tourism, undetected tourism. INTRODUCTION In a study carried out more than thirty years ago, Cohen (1974) proposed a conceptual distinction of the tourist figure into three typologies, a distinction which is still widely shared among tourism scholars all over the world. According to such distinction the tourist can be a vacationer, a sightseer and a drifter: in the case of the vacationer tourists, we are dealing with people who prefer relaxing and sedentary holidays in the resort of their choice, where there s no need to move from the hotel or accommodation they re staying at. They privilege habitual behaviours which are the result of routine - same beach, same umbrella, breakfast at the same bar, frequent meetings with friends and relatives; The sightseer tourist is constantly seeking for change and new experiences, he explores the new territory, tries to get in contact with the local folklore and easily changes type and standard of accommodation; finally, the drifter tourist is a person who has similar ways of travelling and vacationing as those of the wanderer, since he leaves without planning where he s going, what he will be doing and how long he will be staying. The part of the results we will be using in this work is the one which highlights the D.I.Y. tourist figur


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