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Triangulating a monotone polygon, introduction The algorithm to triangulate a monotone polygon depends on its monotonicity. Developed in 1978 by Garey, Johnson, Preparata, and Tarjan, it is described in both Preparata pp. 239-241 (1985) and Laszlo pp. 128-135 (1996). The former uses y-monotone polygons, the latter uses x-monotone. Initialization Sort the N vertices of monotone polygon P in order by decreasing y coordinate. (Here N is the number of vertices of P, not S.) The sort can be done in O(N) time, not O(N log N), by merging the two monotone chains of P. Let u1, u2, …, uN be the sorted sequence of vertices, so y(u1) > y(u2) > … > y(uN). Because of the regularization process and the monotonicity of P, for every ui 1 ? i < N there exists uj 1 < j ? N such that edge uiuj is an edge of P. Triangulation of Monotone Polygon Description of the processing The algorithm processes one vertex at a time in order of decreasing y coordinate, creating diagonals of polygon P. Each diagonal bounds a triangle, and leaves a polygon with one less side still to be triangulated. Stack The algorithm uses a stack to store vertices that have been visited but not yet connected with a diagonal. The stack content is v1, v2, …, vi, where v1 is the bottom and vi the top of the stack. At any time during the execution, there are two invariants: 1. The vertices v1, v2, …, vi on the stack from a chain on the boundary of P, where y(v1) > y(v2) > … > y(vi). 2. If i ? 3, angle vjvj+1vj+2 ? ? for 1 ? j ? i - 2. Proximity Constrained triangulation Algorithm By “adjacent” we mean connected by an edge in P. Recall that v1 is the bottom of the stack, vi is the top. 1. Push u1 and u2 on the stack. 2. j = 3 /* j is index of current vertex */ 3. u = uj 4. Case (i): u is adjacent to v1 but not vi. add diagonals uv2, uv3, …, uvi. pop vi, vi-1, …, v1 from stack. push vi, u on stack. Case (ii): u is adjacent to vi but not v1. while i > 1 and angle uvivi-1 < ? add diagonal uvi-1 pop vi


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