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基于网络的远程温度检测系统设计 摘要 远程温度检测系统是一种不需人员到达现场就能完成远程温度监控的系统,它可以有效地解决传统人工检测存在的诸如效率低、成本高、错误率高的问题。 远程温度检测系统中最重要的部分就是数据传输方法的选择,根据现有的几种数据传输方法的优缺点,本文提出了一种基于以太网传输数据的远程温度检测系统方案。以太网具有不需单独布线,兼容性强,技术支持广泛的优点,采用以太网作为传输方法的远程温度检测系统有良好的发展前景。而且随着网络应用的普及,本方案只需要经过小量修改,则可应用到其他网络通信设计。具有较强的示范意义。 本系统分为三大模块,分别为数据采集模块,数据传输模块和上位机软件。数据采集模块通过8 位单片机ATmega32采集温度数据,将其储存到外围串行EEPROM中,防止意外断电造成数据丢失。数据传输模块分为以太网接口和ATmega32上的TCP/IP协议栈两部分。以太网接口硬件部分主要由ATmega32,以太网卡芯片Enc28j60组成,由于8 位单片机资源有限,ATmega32上的TCP / IP 协议栈只包含ARP,ICMP, IP, TCP 和UDP 协议,并且根据本系统需要实现的功能,这些协议经过了相应简化,例如,在ICMP 协议中仅实现了Ping 应答功能;在护协议中去掉了路由和数据报分片功能,仅实现数据报的发送和接收;在TCP 协议简化了状态机,滑动窗口和定时重传机制,减少了连接数。上位机软件利用VC++ 的SOCKET编程实现,具有测试连接,显示即时数据的功能。经过测试,本系统可以实现实时显示数据,与上位机进行通信,以及在上位机上实时查询数据的基本功能。 关键词:远程温度检测系统,以太网,TCP/IP协议 Abstract The remote temperature reading system is a new mode in which temperature data can be read without people on the spot. It can effectively solve the problems such as low efficiency ,high cost and high error rate. The data transmission is the most important part in a remote temperature reading system ,based on advantages and disadvantages of current data transmission methods, a remote temperature reading system in which data is transmitted based on Ethernet is presented. For Ethernet technology has many advantages such as good compatibility、 extensive technical support ,and the research in this field is significative. This system consists of three main modules : data collection module.data transmission module and software on the computer. In data collection module, the 8-bit MCU ATmega32 is used to collect data and stored in EEPROM to avoid data lost cased by accidental power off. the data transmission module consists of the Ethernet interface and simple TCP/IP protocol stack on ATmega32.The hardware part of the Ethernet interface is made up of ATmega32, Ethernet controller Enc28j60. For the limited resource of 8-bit MCU, TCP/IP protocol stack on ATmega32 only has protocols including ARP, ICMP, IP, TCP and UDP. In addition, these protocols are


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