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Unit 2 You must coordinate the movements of your arms and legs when swimming. 游泳时你必须使臂和腿的动作相协调。 Why does the story continue to enthrall generation after generation? 为何这个故事不断吸引一代又一代的读者呢? Thejob will entail driving a long distance every day. 这份工作意味着每天都要长途开车。 Forthe alteration, we have to accumulate an extra fund of 50000 pounds. 对于此项改变,我们不得不再额外积累为数五万英磅的资金。 The demand is for quality, variety and novelty. 现在需求的是质量、花式品种和新颖性。 The newspaper publishes a profile of a leading sportsman every week. 该报每周刊登一篇关於一个优秀运动员的简介 If it comes to the worst, well have to cancel our holiday plans. 要是情况不妙,我们就只好取消度假计划了。 I could not bear the humiliation of failure. 我无法忍受失败的耻辱 Unit 3 Besides gender discrimination, the abuse of women needs to be treated seriously and sensitively. 除了性别歧视,虐待妇女问题需要得到严肃而认真的处理。 He made it clear he had no intention of withdrawing fromthe political arena 他清楚地表明他无意退出政治舞台。 Most delinquent children have deprived backgrounds. 多数少年犯都有贫困且未受教育的背景 Mary was frustrated by the lack of appreciation shown of her work. 玛丽因工作得不到赏识而灰心丧气 In recruiting students to Computer Systems Engineering, the University looks for evidence of all-round ability. 在招收计算机系统工程专业的学生时,这个大学看重的是学生的综合能力 Nothing could foul uptheir militant spirit. 什么也不能挫伤他们的斗志. Youvow to offer upyour lives for our country. 你们都宣誓一定为祖国作出牺牲 He shook his head slightly to brush away the memories. 他轻轻地摇了摇头,驱散了往事的回忆 Unit 6 Usually people will suffer emotionally for some time inthe wake of a devastating event. 通常,人们在灾难事件之后会有一段时间情绪会变差。 The test was to assess aptitude ratherthan academic achievement. 这次测试是考查能力,而不是学习成绩。 Critics claim the greedy politician exploited immigrants for personal gain. 批评家声称这个贪婪的政客压榨移民以谋求私利。 The government is already battling to eradicate corruption. 政府已经在努力铲除腐败。 Mary is engaged in a project from which considerable benefit will accrue to the community she works for. 玛丽正在做一个能使她所服务的社区持续受益的项目 You will find the students are more responsive to praise thanto criticism. 你


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